(Bill Thacker) (06/30/90)
From: (Bill Thacker) Monday, 1 July, 1940 Air raids intensify on both sides of the war. German aircraft bomb Hull and Wick in northeast Scotland, killing 12, while British Hampdens attack Kiel, scoring two light hits to the cruiser Prinz Eugen and just missing the battleship Scharnhorst. Marshal Rodolfo Graziani is appointed new Italian Governor of Libya and commander of North African forces. Britain warns that Axis occupation of Syria will not be tolerated. Japan rations matches and sugar because of import shortages. Rumania renounces the Franco-British guarantee of her independence, and Hungary claims frontier violations by Rumanian troops; both countries escalate troop strength along their borders. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "There is no politician as durable and so impervious as the American isolationist; his long record of ineptitude and short-sightedness never cause him embarrassment nor curbs his dogmatic pronouncements." - James M. Hudson, in a letter to the New York Times