[sci.military] 50 Years Ago: Saturday, 13 July, 1940

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (07/13/90)

From: military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker)
Saturday, 13 July, 1940

The 302nd Fighter Squadron is formed in Britain, the first Free Polish 
squadron.  The Polish volunteers fly Hawker Hurricanes.

Hitler issues Directive No. 15, which outlines the future conduct of 
the war against Britain.  Specifically, the Luftwaffe is to destroy the 
RAF by concerted attacks beginning 5 August.   2700 aicraft are available 
for the task, distributed between 3 Air Fleets (Luftflotten).  
Generaloberst Stumpf's Luftflotte 5, based in Norway, will attack 
targets in northern England and Scotland;  Luftflotte 3, commanded by 
Generalfeldmarschall Sperrle, is to attack southwestern Britain from its 
bases in western France; and Luftflotte 2 , under the control of 
Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring, will base in northern France and the 
Low Countries and strike at eastern and central Britain.

Hitler also turns down an Italian offer to participate in Operation

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia hold elections to ratify their new form
of government.  Only one choice, the Communist ticket, appears on 
the ballot.

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Bill Thacker			            military@att.att.com
Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to military-request@att.att.com

"I'm glad you're praying for our boy."
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, honey, but I'm not praying for our boy,
I'm praying for the British Navy and the Bank of England." 
- San Antonio TX mayor Maury Maverick, speakig of his "conversion from
	virtual pacifism to practical militarism."