mikew@rupert.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Mike Wheeler) (07/24/90)
From: mikew@rupert.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Mike Wheeler) Does anyone know what planes are coming to the Miramar Airshow (7/29)? Namely, any Migs or the Stealth fighter?
baldwinj@manta.nosc.mil (Justin D. Baldwin) (07/25/90)
From: baldwinj@manta.nosc.mil (Justin D. Baldwin) In the referenced article, aconte@EBay.Sun.COM (Al Conte) writes: >I was wondering if anyone new if the Air Force, (who also show up >and show off their hardware), will have the F-117 their for viewing. >I have heard that in some of the midwest shows, it has been put on >exhibition for the general public. I am at Miramar for the summer, and the unconfirmed rumors are that there is a *slight* possibility of a Stealth aircraft (B-2 or F-117A, no one has said which--I STRONGLY doubt that there would be a B-2 here), and a much stronger possibility of a MiG-29. Of course, the Blue Angels will perform, and there will be many, many modern and historical military aircraft. The highlight of the show will be, as always, the presence of at least one S-3A Viking from NAS North Island :-). -- >From the catapult of: |+| "If anyone disagrees with anything I _, J. D. Baldwin, Comp Sci Dept |+| say, I am quite prepared not only to __||____:::)=}- U.S. Naval Academy|+| retract it, but also to deny under \ / baldwin@cad.usna.navy.mil |+| oath that I ever said it." --T. Lehrer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I AM A GUEST ON NOSC.MIL FOR THE SUMMER. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF MY REPLY ADDRESS!
aconte@EBay.Sun.COM (Al Conte) (08/03/90)
From: aconte@EBay.Sun.COM (Al Conte) I'm back from the Miramar Air Show in southern Calif. This years show had a few new things but, all in all, it was not as impressive as former shows of the last few years. First let me say that the F-117 was nowhere near Miramar on those two days. (I asked some pilots, both air force and Navy, and neither knew why.) The show started off as usual with some Army sky jumpers comming down as the national anthem was being played, Then an F-14+ took off. The acceleration of the 14+ upgrade ( GE 1130s vs TF-30s) was dramatic. The f-14 is now what it was meant to be in the performance envelope. (The TF-30 engine made the 14 somewhat underpowered.) Later on, the F-14 crept up on the crowd from the East while they were watching something going on in the west, I figure that he was doing about mach .8 or .9. Needless to say, he startled the you know what out of everybody. Budwiser had a plane sponsored that truly was the most intense airobatic display I have ever seen. This pilot was never wings level for more than three seconds. His total air time for his spot was around 15 minutes. Two years ago, Miramar staged a mock air to air battle with two agressors and an F-14, the crowd loved it. This year they somehow dropped it from the show, a mistake in my opinion. The F-14 displayed a very nice air to air refuel not more than 2 or 3 hundred feet above the crowd in front of the grandstands. An F-18 went through some manuevers which the crowd liked, ( I was amazed at the roll rate the F-18 displayed in some manuevers.) In past shows, it never showed this capability to a great extent. The harrier went into its program, which was a crowd pleaser. ( I wondered how much FOD this plane chalks up when they land on dirt areas.) A welcome addition to the show this year was the F-15 Eagle. Typically, the Air Force does not fly in the Miramar show, though, they do display there every year. Overall, the F-15 part of the program was very nice, the pilot went through typical four piont rolls, a double Imelman, a hard 180 (looked to be within 1200ft) and a manuever that might not have impressed the crowd but, caused me to drop my jaw. The manuever was as such, from a wings level position, the Eagle dropped a wing to about 30 degrees. He then through the plane into a tight turn and proceeded to accelerate upward in a tight corkscrew! As I watched I said to myself, " what an excellent tactical manuever this would be". The F-15 then finished with stand on tail and light it up ballistic climb. Greater than parity thrust to weight ratio planes are impressive to say the least. The F-14 came back to do it's manuevering program, as I said before, it is now the plane that it was meant to be. ( its amazing what a good shot of thrust can do for plane.) Visually, it looks to be in the same performance arena with the F-15/16 now, it wasn't before (in my opinion). My favorite plane, the F-16 Falcon, which is now being purchased by the Navy for aggressor usage did not fly. I had the pleasure of talking to an F-18 pilot from Lemoor about the differences in performance between the F-16 and the F-18. (He was checked out in both) He said that as good as the Falcon was, he felt that the AOA restriction on the F-16 limited what a pilot could do with it. ( F-16 is limited to 25 degrees AOA) He said that the Hornet is not limited at all, and was very forgiving. Would somebody like to comment on this one, It seems odd that the F-16 would have such a restriction imposed on it. Anyway, he also told me that Lemoor will be putting on their own air show in the Aug./Sept. timeframe. Lemoor is approx. 2.5 hours south of San Jose Calif. off highway 5. One more note, the people who have booths that sell items in and around the Hanger areas were first rate this year. Items that you would never ever find around were available, eg. hand carved mahogany replicas of F-18s,F-14s, F-16XLs,etc. Hand painted too. All in all, a pretty fair show,but, not their best. Take care for now, (checksix@flyboy.sun.com) |\/\/\/| | | | | | (o)(o) DON'T HAVE A C _) COW MAN.... | ,___| | / /____\ / \ BART