[sci.military] Iraq conflict

paulf@csl.ncsu.edu (Paul Franzon) (08/15/90)

From: paulf@csl.ncsu.edu (Paul Franzon)
There have been a number of questions on the net lately regarding this
conflict which I can answer from unclassified sources (mainly the USNI
civilian intelligence data base):

> A better question would be, how do their pilots compare?  As the Israelis
>                                         Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology

Apparently, their pilots are pretty poor except those that have been
trained by France to fly Mirage F1s.  It was an F1 that killed the
USS Stark.

>From: tom@ISF.Unisys.COM (Tom Jewell)
>It seems that any major conflict the US (et al) has with Iraq
>has many parallels with the Korean War. With relativly small
>effort, it seems that we would be able to have complete
>air and sea superiority, but would be facing a more numerous
>enemy. Is this 

Iraq does not have the backing of a world power.  Their (logistical) ability to
fight a sustained major conflict is measured in days, not years.

Iraq also has a very low literacy rate.  Their ability to maintain their
tanks, etc, and ability to supply the right ammo, parts etc across several
hundred miles of dessert would not be high.  HOWEVER, they have had lots
of practice lately against the Iranians.  They tend to use human wave 
rather than Soviet tactics I believe.

Remember Iraq may end up fighting  a 4 front war -- Saudi, Iran, the Kurds
in the North, and Turkey.

> Various comments on wearing Chemical gear in the desert.

US troops often train in hot weather with all the gear on.  Summer
in North Carolina reaches 100F + 100% humidity =approx= 120F dry heat.

[mod.note:  Hmmm... if the suits aren't permeable, though, it wouldn't
seem appropriate to consider the humidity; humidity inside the suit will
soon reach 100% regardless.  If this is true (?) then the suits would
certainly be less bearable at 120F than at 100F.   - Bill ]

The 82nd boys routinely do pack marches with all the NBC gear on.
Whenever troops deploy to the National Training Center (in the CA desert)
they wear their NBC (MOPP) suits for two weeks. 
It is very uncomfortable and your ability to function is reduced
but one "Do or dies".

Iraq does not issues their troops protective gear (according to my sources.)
In the recent Iran war they sacrificed troops in chemically supported
attacks because of this.

BTW, Europe has far superior chemical gear which the US Army is not allowed
to buy because it is not made here.

> Scud missiles

The range of the A1 "Hussein" (what Iraq calls their modified SCUD, if
I recall right -- what an ego)
is less than 400 miles (NY Times, last Friday.)  I recall that they have only
about 150 of these, making them more likely to be used as Operational
and Strategic, rather than as Tactical weapons (in my estimate.)

Paul Franzon
(Reserve Infantry Officer, but speaking unofficially here, purely from public