[sci.military] You want to join the Army??

wtchhntr@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (08/22/90)

From: wtchhntr@matt.ksu.ksu.edu ()
To answer your questions about MOSs and OCS:

About OCS:
     If I read the tone of your letter, you want a rather cushy job.
DON'T go to OCS.  It is a place where they take perfectly good
enlisted people, beat the enlisted out of them, and turn them into
quivering Second Lieutenants.  Also, I had a lot more time as a
Sergeant than i do now as an officer.  It takes a lot more of your time.
Officer Basic Course (OBC) is kind of like AIT for the enlisted.  I could 
tell you about my experiences in OCS, but you probably wouldn't believe
me anyway.  But we all have our war stories. . . . 

About MOSs:
     I was an electronics weenie 34Y Field Artillery Computer Repairer
which is now 39Y (I think).  Don't go into that.  TACFIRE is a 
dinosaur.  Electronics is probably the easiest thing to go into. Mainly
because no one understands what you're talking about most of the time.  
Unless one of your superiors is intimidated by that.  Ask your recruiter
about DS level MOSs.  That way you'll spend most of your time in 
>extremely< large maintenance facilities.  Stay away from admin jobs.
Unless you like to type and live with the First Sergeant.  (You won't.)

About the Field:
     EVERYONE goes to the field.  Actually, it's not bad there.  No one 
messes with you.  You just do your job.  (NOTE:  Do your job so no one
will mess with you.)  Yes, it rains, but you don't notice it after the
first 10 minutes. . . .

If you do go, learn to drink coffee (if you don't already).

You'll need it.

                                           Christopher S. Weberg
                                           2LT OD KSARNG