[sci.military] Energy in Aerial Combat

dxb105@csc.anu.oz (09/04/90)

From: dxb105@csc.anu.oz
Discussions of aerial combat inevitably seem to involve the concept of energy.
It clearly isn't the total energy of the aircraft (people talk about gaining
energy when you dive, for instance), and if it's the kinetic energy then why
not just talk about the airspeed? Could someone explain what this quantity
actually corresponds to physically? And what units is it measured in (if you
can) ?
David Bofinger	ACSNet:	dxb105@phyvs0.anu.edu.au
                Snail:	Dept. of Theoretical Physics, RSPhysS, ANU, ACT, 2601
"Sad. Still, if it's any satisfaction ... we have not only blown Howard Alan
Treesong's master plan sky-high, but we have shot him, in the leg."
			-- Kirth Gersen in _The Book of Dreams_, Jack Vance