v073nqa6@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Elvin Y Chan) (09/13/90)
From: v073nqa6@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Elvin Y Chan) I had always thought that these two stealth aircraft were separate projects. First because the F-117A is publicly known to be in service and it exhibits primarily the US's first attempt at a stealth attack aircraft. (I wouldn't want to be caught in it as fighter) The F-19 I supposed was or is the true steath fighter, with a bit higher speed and maneuverability. It was suggested to me that the F-19 was a ruse just to mask the stats of the F-117A and that it absolutely has no factual basis. Lets see what info is available on the existence of this second stealth aircraft. -elvin (v073nqa6@ubvms.bitnet)
ab3o+@andrew.cmu.edu (Allan Bourdius) (09/18/90)
From: Allan Bourdius <ab3o+@andrew.cmu.edu> It's always been my theory that the design that appeared as Testor's "F-19 Steath Fighter" model was one that was leaked by DOD or the USAF to disguise the actual apperance of the real aircraft. I think it's more likely that the real F-19 was an experimental project that was never purchased/completed. Things like that have been done before--the F-17 turned out to be the prototype for the F-18. --Allan