[sci.military] Israeli missile...

yaniv%shum.huji.ac.il@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (ran el-Yaniv) (09/27/90)

From: ran el-Yaniv <yaniv%shum.huji.ac.il@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>

Dougan has refered to an Israeli made missile with a 50 mile range, launched
from BUFFs and capable of going through windows. The press here calls the
missile "Popeye."

I do not know for certain, but it MAY be either an upgraded Shimshon SODS
(sound horrible in acronym- Stand Off Delivery System), or its development
daughter - the Delilah.

:eMail: yaniv@shum.huji.ac.il                   Linguists do it cunningly:
:Snail: P.O.B. 23114, Jerusalem, Israel      Gramaticians do it correctly: