(Bill Thacker) (12/03/90)
From: (Bill Thacker) Sunday, 1 December, 1940 The Royal Navy loses another armed merchant cruiser; the 16,400-ton HMS Forfar is lost to the U-99 off Ireland. Also sunk is the 18,700-ton Free Norwegian liner Oslofjord, which is mined off the Tyne. Italy rations grain products including flour, rice, and pasta. General Antonescu promises Iron Guard protesters numbering over 100,000 that Rumania will never relinquish her claim to Northern Transylvania, now ceded to Hungary. Today is the 22nd anniversary of the Rumanian-Transylvanian union. The US Ambassador to Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy, announces that he is resigning to spend his full time assisting the President in maintaining US neutrality. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "My plan is, after a short holiday, to devote my efforts to what seems to me the greatest cause in the world today, and means, if successful, the preservation of the American form of democracy. That cause is to help th President keep the United States out of war." - Joseph P. Kennedy