[sci.military] Another aerial refueling question

pataky@tove.cs.umd.edu (Bill Pataky) (12/04/90)

From: pataky@tove.cs.umd.edu (Bill Pataky)

>From Aviation Week, Oct 8, 1990 page 76:

	"... During the buildup, the distance of unrefueled mission legs
	limited cargo weight.  MAC wanted to avoid aerial refueling of
	C-141's carrying cargo because this ages the aircraft faster, and
	because SAC's tanker fleet was heavily committed to refueling
	fighter aircraft on their way to the gulf. ..."

How can aerial refueling "age the aircraft faster"?

	Bill Pataky	
	Domain:	pataky@itd.nrl.navy.mil		     voice: (202) 404-7110
	Path: 	..!uunet!itd.nrl.navy.mil!pataky     fax:   (202) 404-7942