kagst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Kevin A. Geiselman) (11/22/90)
From: Kevin A. Geiselman <kagst@unix.cis.pitt.edu> This is part of a series of postings detailing the military forces involved in and around the Persian Gulf. As changes occur relevant postings will be updated and re-submitted. Any questions, comments or corrections concerning these postings should be e-mailed rather than posted to save network clutter. Kevin A. Geiselman kagst@unix.cis.pitt.edu =============================================================================== MILITARY FORCES OF SAUDI ARABIA source: The Military Balance 1989-1990 International Institute for Strategic Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARMED FORCES: ACTIVE: 65,700 Terms of service: voluntary; consription, males aged 18-35, authorized ARMY: 38,000 2 armd bde 4 mech bde 1 inf bde 1 AB bde (2 bn, 3 SF coy) 1 Royal Guard regt (3 bn) 5 arty bn 18 AD arty bty EQUIPMENT: MBT: 550: 300 AMX-30, 50 M-60A1 (to be A3), 200 M-60A3 RECCE: 250 AML-60/-90 AIFV: 500+ AMX-10P APC: 1,100 M-113 (incl TOW/comd/spt variants), 30 EE-11 Urutu, 170 Panhard M-3 TOWED ARTY: 105mm: some 24 Model 56 pack, 40 M-101/-102 (in store); 155mm: 70 FH-70, 34 M-198 SP ARTY: 275: 155mm; 224 M-109, 51 GCT MRL: 127mm: 6 ASTROS II MORTARS: 107mm: 360 M-30 4.2-in SSM: (est) 9 Ch CSS-2 ATGW: BGM-71A TOW (incl 200 VCC-1 SP), M-47 Dragon, HOT (incl AMX-10P SP) RCL: 75mm; 84mm: 450 Carl Gustav; 90mm; 106mm AD GUNS: 40mm: M-42 SP; 90mm: 15 M-117 SAM: Stinger, 500 Redeye NAVY: 7,200 (incl 1,200 marines) BASES: Riyadh (HQ Naval Forces). Western Fleet: Jiddah (HQ), Al Wajh, Yanbu. Eastern Fleet: Jabayl (HQ), Al Qatif, Ras Tanura, Al Dammam, Ras al Mishab FRIGATES: 8: 4 Madina (Fr F.2000) with 4x 533mm, 2x 406mm ASTT, 1x AS-365N hel (AS 15 ASM) plus 8 Otomat-2 SSM, 1x 100mm gun 4 Badr (US Tacoma) (ASUW) with 2x4 Harpoon SSM, 2x3 ASTT (Mk 46 LWT) PATROL AND COASTAL COMBATANTS: 13: MISSILE CRAFT: 9 As Siddiq (US 58m) PFM with 2x2 Harpoon TORPEDO CRAFT: 3 Bammam (FRG Jaguar) with 4x 533mm TT PATROL, INSHORE: 1 US Pegasus PHI, 9 PCI in store MINE WARFARE: 4 Addriyah (US MSC-322) MCC AMPHIBIOUS: Craft only; 4 LCU, 12 LCM SUPPORT AND MISCELANEOUS: 6: 2 Boraida (mod Fr Durance) AOR, 3 ocean tugs, 1 Royal Yacht NAVAL AVIATION: HELICOPTERS: 24 AS-365N, (4 SAR, 20 with AS-15TT ASM) MARINES: (1,200): 1 inf regt, with 140 BMR-600P AIR FORCE: 16,500; 179 cbt ac, no armed hel FGA: 5 sqn 3 with 63 F-5E; 2 with 20 Tornado IDS FIGHTER: 3 sqn with 42 F-15C. Tornado ADV being delivered RECCE: 1 sqn with 10 RF-5E AEW: 1 sqn with 5 E-3A TANKER: 8 KE-3A, 8 KC-130H OCU: 2 with 15 F-5B, 22 F-5F, 17 F-15D TRANSPORT: 3 sqn 35 C-130 (10 -E, 25 -H), 9 L-100-30HS (hospital ac), 35 C-212 HELICOPTERS: 2 sqn: 1 AB-204, 14 AB-205, 25 AB-206B, 29 AB-212, 17 KV-107 (SAR, tpt) TRAINING: 30 Hawk Mk 60, 30 BAC-167 Mk 80, 30 PC-9, 2 Jetstream 31, 13 Cessna 172 ROYAL FLIGHT: ac: 2 BAe 125-800, 2 C-140, 4 CN-235, 1 Gulfstream III, 2 Learjet 35, 2 VC-130H hel: 5 AS-61, AB-212 AAM: AIM-9J/L/P Sidewinder, AIM-7F Sparrow ASM: AGM-65 Maverick AIR DEFENCE FORCES: (4,000) 33 SAM bty: 16 with 128 Improved HAWK; 17 with 68 Shahine (Crotale) fire units and AMX-30SA 30mm SP AA 73 static Shahine fire units as static defence EQUIPMENT: AD GUNS: 20mm: 100 M-163 Vulcan; 30mm: 53 AMX-30SA; 35mm: 180; 40mm:120L70 (in store) SAM: 141 Shahine, 128 MIM-23B Improved HAWK PARA-MILITARY: NATIONAL GUARD: (Ministry of Interior) 56,000 (10,000 active, 20,000 reserve; 26,000 tribal levies): 2 mech inf bde each 4 all arms bn 1 ceremonial cav sqn EQUIPMENT: APC: 700+ V-150 Commando TOWED ARTY: 105mm: 50 M-102 RCL: 106mm ATGW: TOW AD GUNS: 20mm: 30 M-40 Vulcan FRONTIER FORCE: 8,500 COAST GUARD: about 40 PCI<, 24 hovercraft, about 400 boats GENERAL CIVIL DEFENCE ANMINISTRATION UNITS: 10 KV-107 hel
cdaf@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Charles A. Daffinger) (12/05/90)
From: cdaf@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Charles A. Daffinger) A question about saudi armaments: MILITARY FORCES OF SAUDI ARABIA source: The Military Balance 1989-1990 International Institute for Strategic Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] RCL: 75mm; 84mm: 450 Carl Gustav; 90mm; 106mm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What are these? -charles [mod.note: The Carl Gustav is an 84mm recoilless gun for antitank work. It's shoulder fired, and looks like a short bazooka. It dates back to 1949 in its original version, and is used by several NATO armies including Sweden (where it was designed) and Britain (I think the UK still uses these). My newest data, sadly, is ca. 1973; at that time the Carl Gustav could engage tanks to 700 meters, and could fire other sorts of ammo, including an illumination round with a 2000m range. - Bill ] -- Charles Daffinger cdaf@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu Home of the Whitewater mailing list: whitewater-request@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu "The wilderness is almost the only thing left in America that is worth saving" - Edward Abbey