major@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Schmitt) (01/05/91)
From: bcstec!shuksan!major@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Schmitt) Item of interest: The Army has halted all discharges and retirements for an indefinite period. Even those soldiers whose active duty service committment is up - are extended indefinitely. Also, all foreign service tours have been extended (including Alaska and Hawaii) for an indefinite period. My nephew is a Marine LCpl with a Marine Bn Landing Force aboard the USS Whidby Island (somewhere in the Gulf/Med region) - his term was up - he wanted to reenlist - and they wouldn't let him - but extended him 6 months - (he's got a three-month old baby son he's not seen yet - Semper Fi!) mike schmitt (Got my 'A' bag packed - working on my 'B' bag)