(Bill Thacker) (01/25/91)
From: (Bill Thacker) Saturday, 25 January, 1941 A spokesman from the German Foreign Office praises Colonel Lindbergh's opposition to the Lend-Lease bill. Tobruk in hand, the Commonwealth desert forces renew their westward advance. The RAF commences preparatory bombing of Derna and Benghazi. Winter weather takes a toll in the Albanian fighting. Weeks of freezing weather and snow have led to numerous cases of frostbite on both sides, and many Italian soldiers have contracted typhoid fever. The weather also prevents air activity over Britain and most of Europe. General Antonescu orders the arrest of Vice Premier Horia Sima, leader of the revolutionary faction, and all his followers. They are to be tried within 24 hours, and sentences are to be carried out within 10 hours. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "In the year 1941 we might have a situation similar to that in the time of the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage, where the struggle for Mediterranean sea power centered about Sicily." - Admiral William V. Pratt, USN, Retired