JRAMSDEN@WL7.Prime.COM (01/27/91)
From: JRAMSDEN@WL7.Prime.COM Does anyone know if fuel-air explosive (FAE) bombs have been used in Desert Storm yet, particularly on the Republican Guard or other Iraqi positions in Quwait ? Also, I have read that detonating FAEs to their best effect (or worst depending on your perspective :-) is a delicate balancing act between the mixture being too dilute, in which case nothing happens, and too concentrated, whereupon it just burns normally. So would a large amount of smoke in the atmosphere have an impact on their use ? Naturally one would expect smoke in a battlefield, but I'm thinking about the large oil fires we've seen recently in Kuwait. John R Ramsden (jramsden@enh.Prime.Com) Prime Computer, Inc. Framingham, Mass. Disclaimer: The opinions stated or implied above need not reflect those of my employers, their affiliates, or other employees.