[sci.military] Soviet turbines and Su-25 Frogfoot

urbanf@yj.data.nokia.fi (Urban Fredriksson) (02/08/91)

From: urbanf@yj.data.nokia.fi  (Urban Fredriksson)
   Soviet multi-fuel turbine engines and Su-25 Frogfoot

   The TV2-117TG, intended for the Mi-8TG and
   Mi-38 helicopters can run on liquid natural
   gas, benzine and diesel. It must however be
   started and stopped on kerosene.

   Does anybody know if the same goes for the
   Tumansky R-195 which powers the Su-25? I only
   know it can run on diesel apart from its normal
                    --  --  --
   The Su-25 is excellent in other field-operations
   respects too. It can (of course) operate from
   grass (the perfect countermeasure to JP233 and
   Durandal) and it's quite independent from ground
   support. When you move it to an other base, you
   hang four pods under the wings, containing:
   spares; tools; ground power unit; fuel pump and
                          _________________   +---------------------+
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