(Andrew David Rutenberg) (02/12/91)
From: (Andrew David Rutenberg) I found a nice little book (at my local supermarket) about the 1981 Israeli raid with F-16's on the Osiris "research" reactor in Iraq near Baghdad. It includes technical information on Iraq's efforts to get a bomb, information on the Israeli air force (and the modifications to the F-16's that they did), and the particular play-by-play of the attack (including some tactics and equipment use). It isn't very wordy, nor very long, it has lots of simple politics (which is interesting if not necessarily convincing), and is a nice account of some of the capabilities of the F-16. "Bullseye Iraq" by Dan McKinnon (also "Bullseye One Reactor" or "Bullseye One") 1987, Berkley. Andrew Rutenberg rutenbrg@pucc.bitnet