[net.auto] News Item: Iacocca is dealing policy

wisen@inmet.UUCP (05/18/84)

inmet!wisen    May 16 10:34:00 1984

	(Maybe this belongs in net.politics or net.free.market.theory)
I heard on the news that Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca (sp?)  proposes to
freeze Chrysler car prices and Chrysler management bonuses if the U.S.
government will put some ceiling on Japanese auto imports.
Setting aside the details of what he offers and what he wants, doesn't the
whole concept seem a bit presumptuous or arrogant?  
I propose that the government remove all limits on (Japanese, French, Mexican,
etc.) auto imports regardless of what Mr. Iacocca wants.  If we do that, 
Chrysler may freeze or even drop car prices and management bonuses in order
to survive in the market.  Why barter trade policy with Chrysler for something
we could obtain without bargaining anyway?
	------Bruce Wisentaner		       /| \
	cca!ima! \			      / |  \
	esquire! --inmet!wisen	 o	     /  |   \
	harpo!	 /		 ^_.       _/___|=====
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