v059l49z@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Paul C Stacy) (02/26/91)
From: v059l49z@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Paul C Stacy) I've been seeing a ^-looking marking on tanks, APC's, and other vehicals in the Gulf area and I was wondering if it had some meaning and if so what it is. Thank you. Paul "Joe Friday" Stacy
military@cbnews (02/27/91)
From: sun!claris!outpost!peirce (Michael Peirce) > From: v059l49z@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Paul C Stacy) > > I've been seeing a ^-looking marking on tanks, APC's, and other vehicals > in the Gulf area and I was wondering if it had some meaning and if so what > it is. Someone asked this on a local radio talk show. Someone called in and said it the "V"'s are on all allied vehicles and it identifies them to the air crews so they don't attack them with "friendly fire". The "V" was choosen just for this particular battle. They are painted in a special paint that shows up particulary well with night vision systems. -- michael peirce (outpost!peirce@claris.com)
major@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Schmitt) (02/27/91)
From: bcstec!shuksan!major@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Schmitt) > From: v059l49z@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Paul C Stacy) > > I've been seeing a ^-looking marking on tanks, APC's, and other vehicals > in the Gulf area and I was wondering if it had some meaning and if so what > it is. It appears to be a "Coalition Recognition Marker". Also, you might pay close attention to US tanks. On the bustle rack you might see some symbol shapes of squares, circles, triangles with numbers. That could identify squadron and troop. You might see white stripes circling the main tube behind the bore evacuator - 1 stripe = first platoon, 2 stripes = second platoon etc. Or - they might all be taken off for operational security. I've also seen what looks like orange panels on the vehicle hoods/front. This is a marker panel for recognition by aircraft. Marker panels are orange, yellow, red, white and the wide strips can be configured in V's, X's, ||'s etc. This identifies friendly forces from the air. mike schmitt