[sci.military] TOLTEC code

john%ghostwheel.unm.edu@ariel.unm.edu (John Prentice) (02/27/91)

From: john%ghostwheel.unm.edu@ariel.unm.edu (John Prentice)
Our group at Amparo Corporation develops computer codes to model
the continuum physics of solids at extreme pressure and high strain
rates.  The traditional users of our codes have been researchers in
the DoD and DoE working on the design of conventional weapons and
armor.  We would like to push out a bit as well into areas like
the shock synthesis of materials and high pressure research.  We currently
have a new code under development which employs domain decomposition
techniques for modeling large deformation solid dynamics and which has
coupled into it a library of constitutive models for solids.  It is
also fairly easy to add constitutive models.  We expect to be beta
testing late this spring or early summer.  The code is three dimensional,
but can be run as one or two dimensional Cartesian by restricting the
size of the three dimensional mesh.  We have written the code to run
on the Sparc series of Sun computers and the Cray.  For realistic
three dimensional calculations, you will need a supercomputer.  One
and two dimensional calculations can be run on workstations.  Parallel 
versions are being experimented with, currently for the Cray and nCUBE.

This code, TOLTEC, is a proprietary product of Amparo, but we do not
intend to charge a fee for it.  It is export controlled however, so
anyone interested in using it has to satisfy and obey certain restrictions
dictated to us by DoD.  We would very much like to see this code used
by researchers in the government, universities, and industry.  If
qualified users would be interested in further information on TOLTEC
or would be interested in beta testing it, please contact me.  The kinds
of things that it might be particularly useful for are high pressure research
where you need to understand the hydrodynamics, anything to do with
penetration of solids (for example, trying to design blast resistant
or fragment resistant containers, armor/anti-armor, shaped charge jets,
etc...), high explosive simulation, shock synthesis of materials, 
and so forth.  We have a very limited staff, so we don't know yet how 
much support we will be able to offer users of the code, but we will 
certainly try.  Documentation will initially be somewhat sparse, but
that will improve into the summer.


John K. Prentice    john@unmfys.unm.edu (Internet)
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Computational Physics Group, Amparo Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, USA