[sci.military] Specialized Military Forces

v064lnev@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Zerxes Bhagalia) (03/08/91)

From: v064lnev@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Zerxes Bhagalia)

Dear sirs,

	I am very interested in the specialized military forces of the world,
with particular interest with that of our own nation.  I am interested in their 
missions, capabilities, specialties, training, methods, and, how they would 
compare against similar forces from different nations.


(Zerxes Bhagalia v064lnev (INTERNET: @UBVMS.cc.buffalo.edu/BIT:@UBVMS.bitnet   )
(      -==-	 Bhagalia (INTERNET: @SYBIL.cs.buffalo.edu/BIT:@SUNYBCS.bitnet )