[sci.military] Smart mines

urbanf@yj.data.nokia.fi (Urban Fredriksson) (03/14/91)

From: urbanf@yj.data.nokia.fi  (Urban Fredriksson)
portal!cup.portal.com!ts@uunet.UU.NET writes:

>Does anyone make or use "smart" mines?
>Such a minefield could do rather nasty things, such as wait for
>a groups of soldiers or equipment to get deep into the minefield
>before exploding.

  I believe it is a common practice to make a mine-field 'smart'
  by letting the foremost layer of mines let X tanks pass, the 
  next layer X-1 and so on, before exploding. Also it is
  recommended practice to put the trip-wire for antipersonell
  mines some 10-20 m after the mine, to make it explode closer
  to the center of the advancing column.

  From what I've read in the newspapers about the mines in the
  coastal areas of Sweden (they are there now, with the safeties
  on) there are different methods to detonate them. Manually, 
  optically determined or by sensor indication; automatically,
  using internal or external sensors; independently or under 
  remote control. Since the sea bottom is full of mines, magnetic
  and acoustic sensors, all connected to some central, I guess
  you could call these mines smart.

  If it's a human or a computer deciding optimum detonations, I
  don't know.

| Urban Fredriksson | I do NOT speak   |"Bread cast upon the waters     |
| Stockholm, Sweden | for my employer! | always returns sevenfold."     |
| Reply to: urban@kista.relay.nokia.fi | I'm off the net in April - May |