(Bill Thacker) (04/04/91)
Thursday, 3 April, 1941 Britain breaks diplomatic ties with Hungary, and Germany withdraws its Belgrade embassy. British forces, scrambling to put together a defense against the Axis attack in Libya, abandon Benghazi. Rashid Ali Gailani's pro-Axis coup in Iraq succeeds. The British Ambassador to Moscow warns the Soviet government that German troops are massing along its border in preparation for an invasion. Laszo Bardossy, known for his pro-Axis stance, is named by the Hungarian Regent, Admiral Horthy, as the country's new Prime Minister. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "I order all military reservists who are called to arms to answer immediately and without reserve to this summons. All must make available to army commanders their horses, their cattle and their belongings, and the Croat Banovine guarantees their payment." - Vladimir Matchek, newly- appointed First Vice Premier of Yugoslavia