From: I am a private pilot (SEL), and I am curious about flying in Germany. I have a series of questions which I hope can be answered. What kind of airspace does Germany have? Is it the same kind as found on NOAA Aeronautical charts used in this country with TCAs, ARSAs, Flight Service Stations, VORs etc? Or do they have their own stuff? I am currently a member of the military. I know that on many Air Force Bases in the US there are aero-clubs for non-military private pilots (who are also associated with the military). Does anybody know if there are aero-clubs on the U.S. Air Force Bases in Germany? Do these planes carry US registrations? (I would expect them to - If the plane is registered in the US then no additional German license would be required.) If anybody has any additional information about flying in Germany, I would appreciate it too. -- CHRISTOPHER T. ZABRISKIE