(Carl Rigney, Moderator) (06/18/91)
From: (Carl Rigney, Moderator) Since no mission is complete without a report, here's mine: March 22 to June 17, 1991 64 digests with 1176 articles covering 450 subjects excluding the 86 "50 Years Ago Today" postings by Bill Thacker. 27% of the articles were on 5.5% of the subjects (top 25), most of those airforce related. In case you're curious, the most-discussed subjects were: 25 Can the backseater in f-18's bring it home 24 Air Superiority B-52 20 Pegasus 18 Definitions of naval vessel types 18 Air to Air F-16 vs. F-18 14 Airships 13 YF22 vs. YF23 Why 13 Torpedoing Battleships 13 Nuclear Navy 13 Hi-Tech Scorecard 12 How effective was the Stealth fighter 12 B1 in gulf 11 What's an "I" tank 11 Power Armor 11 Military Books for beginners 11 How is a nuke tested underground 11 Future of SAM 11 DDG-51 10 YF22 vs. YF23, Why 10 Patriot 10 Miscellaneous 10 Gulf Lessons re length of preliminary bombardment 10 CGN/DLGN Classification 10 A10 vs Apache There were slightly less than 550 authors in all. The top 10 accounted for 233 of the 1176 articles (20%!). Drum Roll please: 55 (Henry Spencer) 31 (Steve Williams) 22 fcrary@lightning.Berkeley.EDU (Frank Crary) 21 Allan Bourdius <> 19 bcstec!shuksan!major@uunet.UU.NET (Mike Schmitt) 19 tek@CS.UCLA.EDU (Ted Kim) 16 (Alex Klaus) 16 (Shane D. Deichman) 19 (Duane P Mantick) 15 (Steven Philipson) -- Carl Rigney