(Bill Thacker) (06/19/91)
From: (Bill Thacker) Wednesday, 18 June, 1941 German and Turkey conclude a 10-year friendship and non-aggression pact, declaring a state of "mutual trust." With similar treaties in force with France and Britain, Turkey is considered truly neutral. Britain releases to the public a description of its radar systems as "Detection of Enemy Aircraft by Ether Waves." Joe Louis retains his World Heavyweight Boxing title with a 13th-round knockout of Billy Conn. General Wilson encircles Damascus, Syria, but the defending General Gentz refuses Wilson's radio appeal for his surrender. British ships detain three Finnish merchant vessels, and London announces that the presence of German troops in Finland voids her neutral status. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "He is a formidable ground fighter, this new-type soldier of the air infantry, and his debut by glider in Crete marks a new chapter in the history of warfare." - Major General Stephen O. Fuqua