[sci.military] AF News Svc, 06/18/91

bergman@afnews.af.mil (CMSgt Mike Bergman) (06/20/91)

From: CMSgt Mike Bergman <bergman@afnews.af.mil>

  <<>>                  Hq. Air Force News Center                        <<>>
  <<>>            <<< FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY >>>                <<>>
  <<>> *-*-*-*  AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE, June 18, 1991           *-*-*-*  <<>>

383.  Twelve best <DELETED BY POSTER>
384.  Center accredited <DELETED BY POSTER>
385.  Wing cracks
386.  Ethiopian relief

385.  Wing cracks
     WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Wing cracks in four Military Airlift Command C-141
transports have been repaired and a fifth C-141 is scheduled for depot-level
maintenance following the latest round of inspections, MAC officials said.
     MAC's C-141 fleet was checked for fatigue-related wing cracks after
engineers at Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins AFB, Ga., reviewed the
results of a recent wing-teardown inspection and previous C-141 wing
     Maintenance teams at C-141 bases used X-rays to probe into the interior
area of the wing to search for small cracks caused by metal fatigue.
     The inspection of the 227 aircraft was the latest in a series of wing
inspections that have taken place since July 1989 when cracks were first
discovered during depot-level maintenance.  (Courtesy of MAC News Service)

386.  Ethiopian relief
     WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Military Airlift Command C-5s carried 425,000 pounds
of Meals Ready to Eat and 140,000 pounds of bulk food and medical supplies to
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 8-11.
     Drought and civil war over the past several years have left hundreds of
thousands of Ethiopians homeless and hungry.
     The aid is being flown into Ethiopia on the heels of Ethiopian rebels
taking over the capital, Addis Ababa, and setting up an interim government.
     The Department of Defense Office of Humanitarian Assistance authorized
the flights after the U.S. State Department approved the relief effort.  The
food and medical supplies, flown from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, were delivered to
the Ethiopian capital at the request of the International Committee of the Red
     The flights are the latest in a number of recent U.S. relief operations
including Operation Provide Comfort, in which MAC C-130s airdropped tons of
supplies to the Kurdish refugees, and Operation Sea Angel, in which MAC
aircraft took relief supplies to Bangladesh.  (Courtesy of MAC News Service)

    |            Air Force News Center (AFNEWS)                        | 
    |           Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, USA                       | 
    |                bergman@afnews.af.mil                             |