[sci.philosophy.meta] Program: Soc. for Philos. & Psychol. Annual Meeting

harnad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (S. R. Harnad) (05/31/90)

Final program for the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and
Psychology, June 8-11, 1990 at the University of Maryland, College Park (Adult
Education Building). For information write andrewsj@vassar.bitnet

Friday, June 8
Conference registration:  1-8
3-6 pm     Symposium on Rule-Following
           Chair: Eva Kittay (Philosophy, SUNY Stony Brook)
           Speakers: Neil Tennant (Philosophy, ANU)
           Norbert Hornstein (Linguistics, UMD)
           Discussant:  Peter Ludlow (Philosophy, SUNY Stony Brook)

8-10 pm    Invited Lectures on Neuroscience:
           Chris Cherniak (Philosophy and Computer Science, UMD)
           "Network optimization in the brain"
           A. Georgeopoulos (Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins)
           "Neurophysiology of motor intention"
           Discussant:  James Reggia (Computer Science and Neurology, UMD)

Saturday, June 9
Conference registration:  8-12
9-12       Workshop on Symbol-Grounding
           Chair: Robert Port (Linguistics, Indiana University)
           David Powers (Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern)
           Howard Pattee (Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton)
           Richard Granger (Neuroscience, University of California at Irvine)
           Michel Triesman (Psychology, Oxford)
           Irving Biederman (Psychology, U. Minnesota)
           Larry Maloney (Psychology, New York University)
           Anthony Movshon (Neuroscience, New York University)
           Kim Plunkett (Psychology, Aarhus University)

1:30-3:30  Concurrent contributed paper sessions I, II, III
           I  Language and Concepts
           Paul Bloom and Steven Pinker (Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT)
           "Language as a biological adaptation"
           Commentator:  Alison Gopnik (Psychology, Berkeley)
           Christopher Gauker (Philosophy, U. Cincinnati)
           "Conceptual development in Martians"
           Commentator:  Richard Beckwith (Cognitive Science, Princeton)

           II  Determination of Mental Content
           Ruth Millikan (Philosophy, U. Connecticut)
           "Fodor's arguments against natural teleology as a determinant of
                mental semantic content"
           Commentator:  Joe Levine (Philosophy, North Carolina State)
           Barbara Von Eckardt (Philosophy, U. Nebraska)
           "Stich's argument for individualism"
           Commentator:  Robert Van Gulick (Philosophy, Syracuse)

           III  Intentional Realism and Reductionism
           Robert Gordon (Philosophy, U. Missouri at St. Louis)
           "Fodor's intentional realism and the simulation theory"
           Commentator:  Alvin Goldman (Philosophy, U. of Arizona)
           Bernard Kobes (Philosophy, Arizona State)
           "Coevolution in *Neurophilosophy*"
           Commentator:  Kathleen Akins (Beckman Institute, U. of Illinois)

4-5:30     Invited Lecture on Cognitive Development
           Speaker:  Elizabeth Spelke (Psychology, Cornell)
           "Developing conceptions of physical objects:  Possible insights from
                studies of infants"
           Discussant:  Jerry Samet (Philosophy, Brandeis)

6-7:30     Banquet dinner

8-11       Symposium on the Chinese Room Revisited
           Chair:  Stevan Harnad (Psychology, Princeton University)
           Speakers:  Patrick Hayes (Xerox Parc)
                      John McCarthy (Artificial Intelligence, Stanford)
           Discussants:  Georges Rey (Philosophy, UMD)
                         Eric Dietrich (Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton)

Sunday, June 10
9-11:30    Symposium on Language and Other Knowledge Systems
           Chair:  Amy Weinberg (Linguistics, UMD)
           Speakers:  Barbara Landau (Psychology, Columbia)
           Jane Grimshaw (Linguistics, Brandeis)
           Paul Bloom (Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT)

1-3:15     Concurrent contributed paper sessions IV, V, VI
           IV  Imagery and Consciousness
           Nigel J. T. Thomas (Philosophy, U. of Leeds)
           "Are theories of imagery theories of imagination?"
           Commentator:  Daniel Reisberg (Psychology, Reed)
           Norton Nelkin (Philosophy, U. of New Orleans)
           "What is consciousness?"
           Commentator:  Kent Bach (Philosophy, San Francisco State)

           V  Challenges to Connectionism
           Ken Livingston (Cognitive Science, Vassar)
           "Neurocomputationalism and normative epistemology"
           Commentator:  Paul Churchland (Cognitive Science, UCSD)
           Keith Butler (Philosophy, U. of Wisconsin at Madison)
           "Toward a new cognitive architecture"
           Commentator:  Chris Maloney (Philosophy, U. Arizona)

           VI  Functional Explanation in Psychology
           Valerie Gray Hardcastle (Philosophy,UCSD)
           "In search of Dretske's function"
           Commentator:  Andrew Milne (Philosophy, Rutgers)
           H. Looren de Jong (Psychology, Vrije)
           "Some remarks on a relational concept of mind"
           Commentator:  Ken Taylor (Philosophy, UMD)

3:30-6     Symposium on Concepts and Categories
           Chair:  Don Perlis (Computer Science, UMD)
           Speakers:  Michael Devitt (Philosophy, UMD)
           Susan Carey (Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT)
           Ray Jackendoff (Linguistics, Brandeis)

6:15-7     Business meeting

8:30-9:30  Presidential Address
           Chair:  Ray Jackendoff (Linguistics, Brandeis)
           Speaker:  Paul Churchland (Cognitive Science, UCSD)

9:30-11    Reception

Monday, June 11
9-12       Symposium on Perception and Action in Humans and Machines
           Chair:  Zygmunt Pizlo (Psychology, UMD)
           Speakers: Azriel Rosenfeld (Computer Science, UMD)
           Dana Ballard (Computer Science, Rochester)
           Bob Steinman (Psychology, UMD)
           Bela Julesz (Psychology, Rutgers)

Available throughout the conference in a nearby location:  Software
Demonstration Room.  All those attending are invited to bring interesting
software related to cognition, perception, neural networks, etc.

Stevan Harnad  Department of Psychology  Princeton University
harnad@clarity.princeton.edu       srh@flash.bellcore.com
harnad@elbereth.rutgers.edu    harnad@pucc.bitnet    (609)-921-7771