[bionet.molbio.ageing] FYI--GERINET list members


* Geriatric Health Care Discussion Group
*  Review= Public    Subscription= Open         Send= Public
*  Notify= Yes       Reply-to= List,Respect     Files= Yes
*  Validate= Store   Stats= Normal,Private      Ack= No
*  Notebook= Yes,E,Monthly Mail-Via= DIST2      Errors-To= Owner
*  Newsgroups= bionet.molbio.ageing,bit.listserv.gerinet
*  OWNER=  DRSTALL@UBVMS  (Robert Stall)
* This is a mailing list of those interested in geriatric
* health care.  It is intended to have multidisciplinary
* representation (e.g. physicians, nurses, social workers,
* physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists,
* speech therapists, lawyers, nursing home administrators, etc.) of
* individuals concerned about the well-being of our elderly.
* GERINET was developed by the listowner in 1987.
* For further information please contact:
* Robert Scott Stall, M.D.
* Division of Geriatrics/Gerontology
* SUNY--Buffalo School of Medicine
* Clinical Director, The McLaughlin Center
* DeGraff Memorial Hospital
* 445 Tremont Street
* North Tonawanda, NY  14120
* (716) 690-2256
* UB VAX username/node:  DRSTALL@UBVMS on BITNET
BRYAN@AC.DAL.CA                           vonda hayes
arpalists+GERINET@ANDREW.CMU.EDU          Andrew Message System
ATW1H@ASUACAD                             David Dodell
FEGCB02@BLEKUL11                          Franz BARO
PUCRJPP@BRFAPESP                          Joao C. Portinari
MJO@BROCK1P                               Mary Jo Orzech
ab095@CLEVELAND.FREENET.EDU               Rich Stolarczyk
INGUILOD@CNEDCU51                         J. Guillod, MD
ntm1169@DSAC.DLA.MIL                      Mott Given
WEISSMAN@FORDMULC                         Sam Weissman
BRINNEL@FRSUN12                           Heiner Brinnel
JORDA@FRSUN12                             Michel Jorda
LABBEY@GTRI01                             Leonard Abbey
CAMARC%TUEEL1.SURFNET@HASARA5             H.J. Woltring
VANDIJK@HROEUR51                          P.VAN DIJK, M.D.
BIJNEN@HUTRUU53                           "Fransje C.H.Bijnen,University Utrecht
1234.5678%compuserve.com@INTERBIT         Robert S. Stall, M.D.
MCDONALD@IPFWCVAX                         DR. J
CHIRUR2@IPRUNIV                           Massimo De Bernardinis
X032222@JPNRKY00                          Yasuko. Tanaka.
IO92386@MAINE                             Mary Blunt
VKPERKIN@MIAVX3                           VELENA PERKINS
UD003543@NDSUVM1                          Paul Knudson MD
UD165133@NDSUVM1                          UND-SCHOOL-of-MED CAI
DBP@NIHCU                                 Blandford Donald
Urban_Janlert_Socialmedicin@NORRKOM.UMU.SE  Urban Janlert
KNOX@OSHKOSHW                             Merritt Knox
CCS3005@SAKAAU03                          naseer stwan
HALEY@SDNET                               Bill Haley
cassiers@SMD.UCL.AC.BE                    Pr. L. Cassiers
ADDISONC@SNYSYRV1                         clyde addison
JCSMITH@SUVM                              Joseph C. Smith - SUNY HSC-SYR
SMB522@SWTEXAS                            Susan Macey
X075RT@TAMVM1                             Richard Lee Holbert
A79@TAUNIVM                               David Sitman
PS5@TAUNOS                                Arnon Rolnick
NETNEWS@TREARN                            NET NEWS
DJMAK@TTACS1                              MARK A. KUNKEL
JARICHAR@UALR                             JERI ANN RICHARDSON
TASCHROE@UALR                             TRACY A. SCHROEPFER
VBSELBY@UALR                              BOYD SELBY
VMNETNEW@UALTAVM                          Netnews Gateway
DFOSTER@UA1VM                             Diane Foster
C078D6S6@UBVM                             Thomas W. Stuart
DRSTALL@UBVMS                             Dr. Robert Stall
U08208@UICVM                              George Yanos
U10521@UICVM                              Margaret Bird Altier
U42851@UICVM                              pang jing qi
AADS@UMAB                                 Carolyn Gray
JOHNZ@UMAB                                John Zimmerman
PSRAND@UMAB                               PAMELA S. RAND
C380685@UMCVMB                            Mary Brown Univ of Mo-Col
C518027@UMCVMB                            Diana Baldwin Missouri University
C519683@UMCVMB                            David James  U. Missouri, Columbia
BADERJE@UMNHSNVE                          Jeanne Bader
HSCSALA@UMNHSNVE                          Al Asmus
LISTVEH@UMNHSNVE                          HEALTH Network Bulletin Board
JL_STEVE@UNHH                             "Janna L. Stevens"
BITLIST@UNMCVM                            UNMC BITNET Listserv
KIRSHEN@UOFMCC                            Albert J. Kirshen
FAC0287@UOFT01                            paul fritz
ZOOMET@UOGUELPH                           helene glemet
FJENKINS@USUHS                            Dr. Frank Jenkins
DMCCONAT@WCU                              DOUGLAS MCCONATHA
PHIL%WUBIOS@WUCFUA.WUSTL                  Phil Miller
C73221DC@WUVMD                            DOYLE COZADD
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:   68
* Total number of local node users on the list:    1