[comp.org.ieee] Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems

boykin@calliope.Encore.COM (Joe Boykin) (01/21/89)

                                    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                                      Second Workshop On

                                WORKSTATION OPERATING SYSTEMS

                                        Sponsored by:
             The IEEE Computer Society - Technical Committee on Operating Systems

                        Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA. 
                                    September 27-29, 1989

            The Second Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems (WWOS-II)  will
            bring together a number of researchers  and  developers  to  discuss
            their work and experiences in  workstation  operating  systems.   As
            workstation  technology  and  man-machine  interfaces  advance,  the
            operating system must evolve.  Potential topic areas include:

                  o New workstation operating systems

                  o OS changes for the workstation environment (e.g.   graphical

                  o Scheduling and resource management

                  o Workstation architectures

                  o Multi-processor considerations

            To facilitate the dialog that is so valuable in a workshop  setting,
            attendance will be limited  to  60  active  workers  in  the  field.
            Registration requests should be  addressed  to  Joseph  Boykin,  the
            General Chair.  This request should  include  a  1-3  page  position
            paper describing the participant's interest  and  future  directions
            related to workstations and workstation operating systems as well as
            insights and lessons  gained  from  recent  research  and  practical

            Those interested in presenting the results  of  their  research,  or
            current work-in-progress, should submit a 3-5  page  paper  to  Luis
            Felipe Cabrera.   Papers  must  be  submitted  by  April  15,  1989.
            Acceptance will be made by June 1 and final copy is due  by  July 1,
            1989.  Selection of papers will be made by the program committee:

                 David Anderson,  UC Berkeley
                 Kenneth Birman,  Cornell University
                 Anita Borg,  DEC WRL
                 Luis-Felipe Cabrera,  IBM (chair)
                 Sam Chanson,  U. of British Columbia
                 Robert Hagmann,  Xerox Parc
                 Paul Leach,  Apollo Computers
                 Andy Hisgen,  DEC SRC
                 Sape Mullender,  CWI, Amsterdam
                 Ike Nassi,  Encore Computer
                 Mike Powell,  SUN Microsystems
                 David Presotto,  AT&T Bell Laboratories
                 Bud Tribble,  Next Computers
                 John Wilkes,  Hewlett Packard

            General Chairman:
                 Joseph Boykin
                 Encore Computer Corp.
                 257 Cedar Hill Street
                 Marlborough, MA 01752
                 (508) 460-0500 x2720
                 ARPA: boykin@encore.com
                 UUCP: encore!boykin

            Program Chairman:
                 Luis Felipe Cabrera
                 IBM Almaden Research Center
                 650 Harry Road
                 San Jose, CA 95120
                 (408) 927-1838
                 ARPA: cabrera@ibm.com
                 UUCP: ucbvax!cabrera

            Registration, including a copy of the proceedings:
                                            Pre-registration     On-site
            Computer Society Member                 $160            $215
            Non-member                              $210            $275
            Student Member                           $95            $125
            Lodging:     $55 per night for double occupancy room, breakfast,
                                lunch, and dinner.