[comp.org.ieee] Call For Papers FTCS-20

Neil.Speirs@newcastle.ac.uk (Neil Speirs) (06/15/89)

                            CALL FOR PAPERS


The Twentieth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing

Dates: 26-28th June, 1990

Location: Newcastle Crest Hotel, New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Sponsored by: The Computer Society of the IEEE, CSR, BCS, IEE

The Fault-Tolerant Computing Symposium has, in its twenty year history,
become the major international forum in fault-tolerant computing. The
Symposium addresses all aspects of the specification, design,
implementation, test, diagnosis, and evaluation of dependable and
fault-tolerant computing systems.  The scope of the Symposium spans
software, hardware and system issues.  The programme committee 
invites important papers, of a theoretical or practical nature, in all
these areas.  Major topics include, but are not limited to:

- fault tolerance in real-time systems
- certification of safety-critical systems
- fault recovery in transaction processing systems
- data security and integrity
- fault tolerance in communication networks
- validation of VLSI designs
- risk and hazard analysis

Six copies of an abstract, of not more than one page, should be
submitted before 13 October 1989.  Six copies of the paper (double
spaced) should be submitted before 18 November 1989.  Papers should 
not exceed 5000 words.  The title page of each paper should include: the
title, author name(s), affiliations, complete mailing address, phone
number, fax number and E-mail address where applicable, a maximum 
150-word abstract, up to five keywords, an approximate word count and
a declaration that the paper has been cleared through author affiliations.
For multi-authored papers there should be an indication of who would
present the paper, if accepted.  Submissions arriving late or departing
significantly from these guidelines (particularly that of length)
risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Important Information

Abstracts due on        13 October 1989
Papers due on           18 November 1989
Acceptance notification  9 March 1990

Submissions should be sent to:

                Prof Bev Littlewood
                City University
                Northampton Square
                London EC1V 0HB

Queries may be addressed through Bev Littlewood in the UK

   Phone     +44 1 253 4399 (Ext 4160)
   Fax       +44 1 253 3861
   E-mail    b.littlewood@city.ac.uk

or Dr. Basil Smith in the USA

   IBM Watson Research Center
   PO Box 704
   Yorktown Heights, New York 10958

   Phone     914 789 7018
   Fax       914 789 7455
   E-Mail    TBSMITH@ibm.com


Newcastle upon Tyne is one of the finest provincial cities in Britain.
Situated in the north east corner of England, it dates back 1800
years, to when the Romans built a fort to guard a bridge across the
River Tyne. The city takes its name from the "new castle" built by
William the Conqueror's son in 1080. The present castle, whose fine
Norman keep still dominates the old part of the city, dates from 1172.

For centuries Newcastle was the principal port of the Anglo-Saxon 
kingdom of Northumbria - later it was one of the main birthplaces of 
the Industrial Revolution. Nowadays it is a remarkable blend of ancient 
and modern - it boasts the largest indoor shopping centre in Europe, 
and many fine museums, art galleries, theatres and leisure facilities, 
whilst Northumbria provides some of England's most dramatic and 
uncrowded scenery.

The Symposium will be held in a major city-centre hotel, and an
excursion is planned to Durham Cathedral, an architectural
masterpiece, and arguably the finest cathedral in Europe. However
Symposium delegates are urged to extend their stay in the North East
of England, in order to take the opportunity of exploring further one
one of the most naturally beautiful and historically rich regions in
the country.

Organising Committee:

Symposium Chairman:                     Brian Randell
Symposium Vice-chairman:                Tom Anderson
Program Co-chairmen:                    Bev Littlewood, Basil Smith
Publications Chairman:                  Ambuj Goyal
Finance & Local Arrangements Chairman:  Neil Speirs
Publicity Chairman:                     Carol Carr
Registration Chairman:                  Michael Drummond-Brady

Programme Committee will include:

T. Anderson, UK
T. Downs, Australia
N. Fenton, UK
A. Goyal, USA
R. Iyer, USA
M. Joseph, UK
J. Kelly, USA
J. Knight, USA
J-C. Laprie, France
J. McDermid, UK
D. Miller, USA
M. Moulding, UK
F. Saglietti, FRG
L. Strigini, Italy
Y. Tohma, Japan
J. Abraham, USA
V. Agarwal, Canada
C. Chen, USA
E. Cerny, Canada
K. Kinoshita, Japan
J. Lala, USA
G. Masson, USA
S. Reddy, USA
J. Shen, USA
D. Tang, USA

Ex officio member - TC Chairman
D. Rennels, USA