[comp.org.ieee] IEEE Dues Suggestion

vera@portia.Stanford.EDU (James Vera) (12/12/89)

And let's remember that there are couples who while not married, would
equally benefit from such a program.

James S. Vera      |         Internet	        |Standard Disclaimers
Stanford University|vera@fanaraaken.stanford.edu|Blah Blah Blah Blah
Bellcore           |vera2@rigel.cc.bellcore.com |vvv My Cutesy Quote vvv
"When I was young it seemed that life was so wonderful..." - Supertramp

JDurand@cup.portal.com (Gerald Joseph Durand) (12/13/89)

My wife & I are both members of IEEE.  When I called and requested only one
Spectrum subscription, they said no problem and dropped my subscription
within a couple of months.  This was some time ago and I don't remember 
who I talked to, but SOMEONE at IEEE knows how to do this.  BTW, there
was no reduction in dues.

Jerry & Sharon Durand
Durand Interstellar, Inc.