[comp.org.ieee] Call for Papers - IEEE SOFTWARE

nichols@goofy.apple.com (Kathie Nichols) (10/22/90)

			    Call for Papers
		 IEEE Software Magazine Theme Issue on
	 	   Software for Performance Analysis
Performance analysis is rapidly becoming a hot topic in software engineering.
Performance analysis is meant to answer the questions beyond "Is it correct?".
The focus is on whether the system under study is "fast enough" or "reliable
enough" and "what is the effect of making changes in the system?".   These
questions are important in several key emerging areas:
 * Graphics workstations have made it possible to create sophisticated
   software systems with visually-oriented interfaces,  but response time
   is a critical performance attribute.
 * Real-time embedded systems must meet requirements of timing and reliability.
 * High-speed networks are being designed to meet the demands of distributed
   computing and of connecting ultra-fast CPUs.  Whether such networks can
   be made fast enough at a reasonable cost must be addressed before
   significant resources are devoted to them.
 * Parallel computing is highly performance-oriented: significant speedups or
   significantly larger problems must be acheived to make the additional
   software, hardware, and programming overhead cost effective.
These are four widely disparate areas, but all require performance analysis.
This need has recently been recognized by major corporations like
Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Apple Computer, who have all started major
projects involving performance analysis.
In the past, performance has either been ignored or has been carried out by
running discrete and repetitious experiments resulting in lengthy dumps of
metrics which were analyzed by hand.  Today's complex systems require more
than simple dumps of metrics.  Systems are studied through instrumenting,
modeling, and simulating software and hardware.  The overwhelming
amount of data produced by such systems and the numerous options involved
require that performance information be given to the user in a digested form,
possibly with some analysis done or important data highlighted.  These
methodologies and techniques for the study of software performance 
need to be shared.  This issue of IEEE Software will provide a forum for
recent developments in software methods and techniques that serve to
expedite performance analysis.
This is a call for papers on performance analysis tools and reports of
particular software studies presented as a systematic approach to measurement
and analysis of software performance.  Papers describing both case studies of
general importance and tools of proven effectiveness are solicited.  In
particular, innovative methodologies and novel presentations of performance
data that have a potential for wide application are sought.
 Submit 6 copies of manuscript by February 1, 1991 to:
 	Kathleen M. Nichols	or	Paul Oman
 	Apple Computer, Inc.		Computer Science Dept.
 	20525 Mariani Avenue		College of Engineering
 	M/S 76-3K			University of Idaho
 	Cupertino, CA 95014		Moscow, ID 83843
 	(408) 974-1136			(208) 885-6589
 	nichols@apple.com		oman@ted.cs.uidaho.edu
 For further information, contact Kathleen or Paul at the above addresses.