bertrand@eiffel.UUCP (Bertrand Meyer) (07/30/90)
To address questions that frequently come up in this newsgroup, I am reposting a July 1989 article (in fact written in January of that year) discussing the problem of static typing for Eiffel. Three important comments: 1. I have edited that posting only superficially, by updating two or three observations and removing a couple of comments that appeared needlessly arrogant. I would certainly rewrite it differently now if I had the time. Also, some language evolutions (e.g. the planned introduction of class NONE, discussed a few months ago) have simplified and clarified the problems, although they have not solved them. In other words: I still basically agree with the bulk of this message, although not necessarily with every individual statement. 2. As was mentioned in the original posting, the article was prepared with typesetting in mind, with generous use of fonts and other tricks. As a result, some elements, especially towards the end, may be hard to understand in this ``plain text'' version. Because the message is big, it is being mailed in two separate pieces. A complementary message, also a reposting, explains the overall structure of the Eiffel type system. STATIC TYPING FOR EIFFEL Bertrand Meyer January 1989 (updated, July 1989) (Minor revisions, July 1990) ****** POSTED IN TWO PARTS; THIS IS POSTING 1 ******** 1 OVERVIEW The object-oriented language Eiffel [5, 6] is statically typed: in other words, type errors may be caught by mere examination of software texts. Unfortunately, the description of the basic type rules in [5], as well as the type checking performed by the current Eiffel implementations, did not cover certain kinds of type errors. These errors have two interesting properties: they almost never occur in the practical development of software systems if proper management procedures are observed; yet it is easy, even for a newcomer, to come up with artificial examples that exhibit some of these errors. In recent months several people have independently come across these problems and in some cases have even published their findings as evidence of flaws in the Eiffel type system. This article develops the thesis that the type policy adopted by Eiffel is sound, and actually claims that it is the only policy compatible with Eiffel's aim of providing a clean, powerful basis for the practical development of medium- and large-scale software systems in industrial environments. The article gives the precise rule for static typing in Eiffel and describes the strategy for implementing this rule as part of the incremental, modular compilation method used for the implementation of Eiffel. Lack of time has prevented the full inclusion of these checks in releases 2.2 and 2.3; they will, however, be part of a forthcoming release. Most of the arguments that have been voiced in previous discussions are theoretical. In contrast, this article considers in detail the pragmatic aspects of using classes and inheritance in an industrial environment. A purely theoretical approach misses the software engineering criteria without which the entire discussion is meaningless. Section 2 discusses the notion of typing in a general context. Section 3 explains what typing and type failures mean for Eiffel. Section 4 introduces the rationale behind the Eiffel type policy. Section 5 gives the precise type rule. Section 6 outlines the strategy for enforcing this rule as part of Eiffel compiling. Section 7 is a conclusion and assessment. 2 BACKGROUND During the execution of a computer program, an attempt may be made to apply an operation to operands which are not of the form, or type, expected by the operation. Such a regrettable course of affairs may be called a type failure. The rest of this article discusses how to avoid type failures in object-oriented programming. 2.1 Checking types One possible defense against type failures is dynamic checking, whereby the applicability of an operation to candidate operands is ascertained at run-time, just before the operation is to be applied. For anyone concerned with software reliability, however, this is not a satisfactory solution, since run-time is too late a stage to find a suitable recovery from a type failure. A better strategy is static checking, where potential type failures are detected by an analysis of software texts, without execution. Such an analysis is performed by a mechanism called a static checker, or just checker in the rest of this discussion, which does not consider any form of checking other than static. Formally, a checker is a predicate on software texts - that is to say, a boolean function which, for any such text, expresses whether or not the text is typewise correct. In practice, the only checkers of interest are those which can be implemented by computable algorithms. The practical requirements are even stronger: to be worthy of consideration, the algorithm must be efficient, and it must be possible to integrate it in a compiler for the programming language used to write the software. A full checker is a [static] checker which is able to guarantee that no type failure may result from the execution of certain software systems. The ability to build full checkers depends on the programming language being used. A programming language for which it is possible to write a practical and useful full checker will be said to be fully typed, or just ``typed'' for short. (``Typable'' would be a more accurate term since the use of such a language will only guarantee the absence of type failures if an appropriate checker is applied.) To make full checking possible, typed programming languages require programmers to provide supplementary information in the form of type declarations. Programmers will explicitly declare every program entity, such as a variable or a formal routine argument, as being of a certain type, identified by a type name. The static checker can then check that every use of the entity is consistent with this declaration. In Pascal, for example, an entity declared as integer may only participate in operations such as addition or comparison, which are applicable to integer arguments. 2.2 The typing problem in object-oriented programming With the exception of Trellis-Owl [9], most object-oriented languages other than Eiffel do not support static typing. Some, such as Smalltalk and Lisp derivatives have followed the route of dynamic typing. C extensions such as C++ include a notion of type, but defeat any attempt at static checking by providing loopholes (``type casts'') inherited from C; these loopholes are required for any realistic use of such a language, in particular because of the absence of genericity (as discussed below). Such a lax attitude towards typing is all the more regrettable that static checking is particularly desirable in an object-oriented context. The fundamental construct in object-oriented programming is the application of an operation to an object; this is written entity.feature in Eiffel, meaning ``Apply the operation denoted by feature to the object denoted by entity''. (Arguments may be given if feature is a routine.) This will cause a type failure if no such operation is applicable to the given object. Under its basic form, the static typing problem for Eiffel is simple: this is the problem of statically guaranteeing that such a type failure will never occur. (A more complete description of the problem will be given below.) In other words, the basic problem is the possibility of writing a checker which, whenever it accepts a set of classes containing a case of the notation entity.feature, guarantees that the run-time support mechanism will always be able to find an operation for feature, applicable to the object associated with entity. The problem might appear trivial in any language that requires every entity x to be explicitly declared of a certain type T, defined by a class: then f must be an exported feature of that class. The reason things are not that simple is the presence of two powerful mechanisms: polymorphism, which at run time allows x to denote an object of a type T', possibly different from T and statically unpredictable; and dynamic binding, which implies that in such a case the version of f is the version applicable to instances of T', which is not necessarily the same as the version for T. (Dynamic binding should not be confused with dynamic typing; in fact the Eiffel combination of static typing and dynamic binding is a particularly productive one.) 2.3 Limits of typing Before analyzing in more detail how Eiffel addresses the typing problem, it is important to consider three practical aspects of typing, which are a consequence of the preceding discussion. The first observation is that static type checking cannot guarantee that no run-time failure will occur: it will only remove what has been called ``type failures'' at the beginning of this discussion. Take for example a typed language where the division operation expects arguments of type REAL. Then the language and its checkers will flag a/b as illegal if b is a variable of type CHARACTER; but if both operands are of the correct type, the expression will be considered legal even though the value of b might be zero at execution time, producing a failure. A similar problem exists in the type system of object- oriented programming: a type failure has been defined above as a case in which entity.feature is executed when entity denotes an object which has no operation for feature. But all that a type checker for Eiffel will be able to guarantee is that if the object exists, there will be an operation feature applicable to the object denoted by entity. This will cause a type failure if no such operation is applicable to the given object. This aspect of the typing problem is frustrating because it means that type checking may be used to catch the ``easy'' errors, such as using a character as denominator in a division, but not the ``hard'' ones, such as using a real denominator which in some cases may be zero. Unfortunately, to catch the hard errors statically would require formal proofs of program correctness, a goal that, even in decidable cases, is beyond today's technology (although progress towards this goal is definitely possible in Eiffel thanks to the assertion mechanism, but this is beyond the present discussion). So type checking, which may be called the ``poor man's proof'', only addresses errors that may be statically detected through relatively straightforward mechanisms. This observation does not mean that type checking is useless, if only because the ``easy'' errors that it detects are among the most important ones in practice, reflecting inconsistencies which often result from serious design mistakes. But it reminds us that type checking is only a partial answer to the problem of program correctness, and that the distinction between the errors which are detectable by type checking and those which are not is a pragmatic one, having to do with the power of the detection mechanisms available to us. A program that has been type-checked and found typewise correct is guaranteed to execute without type failure; it is not guaranteed to execute without failure. In Eiffel, the remaining failures will cause exceptions, which lead to abnormal termination unless the application deals with them explicitly. 2.4 Cost issues In the preceding discussion two kinds of errors were considered: ones that are very difficult or impossible to detect in the current state of the technology; others that are relatively easy for a compiler to find in a language designed for static typing. In practice the situation may not be so clearcut. Some checks may be tractable in principle but costly to implement as part of standard compiling mechanisms. In traditional languages, this is often the case with inter-procedural checks. A frequent solution is to provide a static checker (such as the lint tool for C), which is separate from the compiler and performs more advanced checks. One may contend, of course, that the need for such tools is a consequence of poorly designed type systems and in many cases it is. But the underlying idea is not without merit. Checking implies definite costs in time. If one is able to classify errors according to their practical probability or the damages they cause, then the benefit-to-cost ratio of static checks will usually show a point of diminishing returns. Then it may make sense to have the compiler, under its default options, perform the checks with the highest benefit-to-cost ratio, the others being carried out by explicit request only. A related practical requirement arises in the case of Eiffel, a modular language meant for incremental compilation. In any good compiled implementation of Eiffel, classes are compiled separately; if a class C has been type-checked and compiled, a programmer who writes a new class D depending on C must clearly be able to check D without having to check C again. (Dependents in Eiffel include clients, which have access to the class through its interface only, and heirs.) This implies a strong constraint on the type system, which must be designed in such a way that the addition of a new descendant never makes an existing class type- wise incorrect. Satisfying this requirement means that it will be possible to integrate full type checking with the automatic incremental compilation mechanism used in the current Eiffel implementation, which after a change recompiles only the minimum set of impacted classes, taking export controls into account (clients of a class which has undergone changes affecting only hidden features are not recompiled). 2.5 Pessimism The third important observation is that type checking is always a pessimistic policy. Pascal compilers, for example, will reject a program extract of the form procedure p(var i: integer; r: real; var b: BOOLEAN); begin if b then i := r else i := i + 1 end because the first branch of the conditional attempts to assign a real value to an integer variable (a forbidden combination). Yet in a given program it may very well be the case that the procedure is always called with b false, so that no type failure would result. The problem is not just that a program should only be accepted if it cannot ever produce a type failure. If the instruction b := false is inserted at the beginning of the above procedure, no execution of this procedure may ever produce a type failure. Yet all Pascal compilers will still reject the above procedure, because they do not perform the kind of flow analysis that would be necessary in the general case to discover that the type failure may not occur. The behavior of compilers (and designers of statically typed languages) in such cases is easy to understand. Compiling time is a precious resource and should not be wasted in trying to salvage programs that look hopelessly suspicious, even if once in a while one of these programs would in fact work. The principle followed here is ``better safe than sorry''. If the checker is to err, then it should err on the safe side by rejecting some programs that would work, rather than accepting ones that will not. So in all non-trivial cases typing is pessimistic. This means that every language is typed in a way: a universal full checker (applicable to Smalltalk, Lisp and APL as well as Basic) is the program print "Program rejected" This example is ludicrous, of course, but shows that typing is a relative, not an absolute notion. The above definition of a typed language should thus be amended: A programming language is fully typed, or just typed, if it is possible to write a practical and useful full checker which will not reject any reasonable program. This definition leaves some margin of appreciation as to what is a ``reasonable'' program, a notion that may not be defined rigorously, although ``reasonable'' people should be able to agree on whether a specific kind of program is reasonable or not. 2.6 The role of typing: an assessment The common lesson from the above three comments on typing is that in any full discussion of typing the pragmatic considerations are as important as the theoretical discussion. The three key questions of typing for a programming language are: 1 + Among all possible run-time failures, which ones are to be considered type failures, to be totally avoided by the checking mechanism, and which ones should be considered as non-type failures (as division by zero)? 2 + Among all possible checks, which ones should always be performed by the compiler, and which ones (if any) should be done on request only? 3 + Given that the checker will reject all programs containing potential type failures as defined under 1, how far can it go in rejecting programs that might not lead to such failures if executed? The answers to all of these questions must of necessity rely on an assessment of highly practical issues. For question 1, the issue is what checks can realistically be performed by a compiler or other checker. This requires familiarity with the current technology of compilers and other software tools. For question 2, the issue is the benefit-to-cost ratio of various checks. This adds to the previous requirement some knowledge of what errors programmers actually make and their actual degrees of gravity. For question 3, the issue is what kinds of potentially correct programs may be rejected by the checker. This demands a practical understanding of how programmers use the language and what is essential for them. What is required in all cases is a software engineering view which, beyond the language and its theory, encompasses its practical application to the construction of useful software. 3 THE EIFFEL TYPING PROBLEM 3.1 Terminology It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Eiffel and has read [5] or at least the 12-page introduction in [8]. The precise and up-to-date reference on the language proper is the book [6]. Any meaningful discussion of type issues in Eiffel requires using the proper terminology, which will be recalled here. Software texts in Eiffel are made of classes. An executable software product is obtained by assembling a system, or combination of one or more classes, one of which is called the root of the system. A class describes a number of potential run-time objects, called its instances. A class is characterized by a number of features. A feature is either an attribute (describing a modifiable component present in each instance of the class) or a routine (describing a computation applicable to each instance of the class). A routine is either a function, which returns a result, or a procedure, which does not. A routine may have formal arguments; if so, calls to the routines must include the corresponding actual arguments (expressions). An entity is a name in a class text which stands for a value at run-time. For this discussion we ignore entities of ``expanded types'' which include basic types (integer, real, boolean, character) and for which polymorphism is not supported; so the only values of interest are those whose run-time values are references. A reference either points to an object or is void. The following forms of entities are provided: + Attributes of a class. + Local variables in routines. + The predefined entity Result which can only appear in a function. (The value returned by a function call is the final value of Result on termination of the function's execution.) + Formal arguments of a routine. An attribute or local variable may be used as target of an assignment, written x := y where x is an entity and y is an expression. The effect of such an assignment is to make x void if the value of y is void, and otherwise to make x refer to the same object as y. The latter case produces aliasing between x and y; two entities are said to be aliased if there values are references to the same object. Aliasing may also result from a routine call where y is the actual argument and x the corresponding formal argument. What makes the object-oriented typing problem non-trivial is the presence of polymorphic aliasing, where x and y are of different class types. The typing problem is then that the same object is accessible through names of two different types, which may have different rules with respect to what features are exported and what feature arguments are permissible. 3.2 The basic type rules Two fundamental type rules (which have always been statically enforced by our implementation of Eiffel) serve to avoid most of the cases that might lead to a type failure. They are sketched in sections 10.1.4 and 11.3 of [5] and repeated here in simplified form. The first rule governs feature application: x.f (...), where x is of class type C, is only legal if one of the ancestors of C (possibly C itself) defines a feature f, and C exports f. The second rule governs polymorphic aliasing: x := y is only legal if the type of y say D, conforms to C. (For non-generic classes, this means that D is a descendant of C; for generic classes, conformance also includes recursive conditions on the generic parameters.) This also applies to argument passing if x is the formal argument and y the corresponding actual argument. This second rule is also what lies behind the possibility of defining flexible generic data structures such as stack_of_C: STACK [C] with the effect that the push routine applied to stack_of_C will accept as argument any expression whose type conforms to C. Taken together, the two rules exclude most type errors. Nevertheless some type failures are still possible in principle. 3.3 Violations Type failures may occur in Eiffel in spite of the above rules because of the following two properties of the language: + The information hiding mechanism is orthogonal to the inheritance mechanism. In other words, a feature hidden (exported) by a class may be exported (hidden) by any of its proper descendants. + When a routine is redefined in a descendant, the type of a formal argument may be redefined to be a proper descendant of the original type. This is sometimes called the covariant rule. Both of these rules makes it easy to construct examples that lead to type failures. Let PARENT be a class and HEIR one of its heirs. Assume PARENT exports feature f, but HEIR does not. Then the first type rule makes the following legal: /1/ p: PARENT; h: HEIR; ... h.Create; p := h; p.f Here because of dynamic binding we are sneakily applying operation f to an object of type HEIR, even though the designer of class HEIR has expressly removed f from the list of operations applicable to such objects. Why this is indeed bad will be analyzed in more detailed below. As an example of the second kind, assume that routine g is defined in PARENT with an argument of type PARENT, and redefined in HEIR with an argument of type HEIR. (More generally the respective argument types might be any P and H such that H conforms to P; here for simplicity we have chosen P and H to be the enclosing classes themselves. In practice, explicit redeclaration is avoided in such a case by using a ``declaration by association'' of the form like Current.) Then the second type rule makes the following legal: /2/ p: PARENT; h: HEIR; ... h.Create; p := h; p.g (p) Here we are sneakily calling g on an object of type HEIR with an argument of dynamic type PARENT, not HEIR. The type failure is not immediate; we have only planted a time bomb which will explode if g, which expects an argument of type HEIR, applies to this argument some feature defined in this class but not applicable to instances of PARENT. 3.4 Analysis of failures Why are the above situations examples of type failures? In case /2/, the problem is clear: since the version of g redefined in HEIR assumes an argument of type HEIR, it might well access an attribute defined for objects of type HEIR but not for those of type PARENT. Such a type failure will usually trigger a run-time exception. Case /1/ is more subtle, as will be seen if we compare it to the following almost identical variant, which assumes the reverse export policy: f exported by HEIR but not by PARENT. /3/ p: PARENT; h: HEIR; ... h.Create; p := h; h.f In /3/ to we again apparently use aliasing (the ability to refer to an object through more than one name) as a way to cheat with export restrictions. Even though p.f is illegal, we can apply f to the object associated with p by accessing it through its HEIR name. In /3/, however, nothing bad can really occur; because the designer of HEIR decided to export f, it means that (if the class is correct) f may be correctly applied to objects of this type. In precise terms, f, being exported by HEIR, must preserve the invariant of this class. (No discussion of these issues makes sense unless it refers to the notion of class invariant.) For /1/ the situation is different. Feature f is exported by PARENT, meaning that it preserves the invariant of this class. But it may well fail to preserve the invariant of HEIR (this by itself being a sufficient reason for HEIR not to export f). By using polymorphism and dynamic binding, the client class containing extract /1/ succeeds in applying f to an object of type HEIR; as a result, the object may enter into an incorrect state (which usually will soon produce an exception). Cases /1/ and /2/ are prototypical examples of the bad cases that may occur. Others (involving in particular genericity and declaration by association) are mere variations on these basic patterns. /3/, as noted above, does not lead to type failures. For all their obviousness, these cases very seldom occur in practice in a project whose aim is to construct useful software rather than to crash the Eiffel environment. For example, it is interesting to mention that no type failure has ever been recorded in the usage of Eiffel at Interactive Software Engineering. This explains why fixing the type rules and the corresponding type checking performed by the compiler has not been a top priority. But of course the loopholes must eventually be closed. 4 RATIONALE FOR THE EIFFEL RULES Before studying the solution, we will pause to consider the Eiffel type rules giving rise to the above problems and assess whether they make sense from a software engineering perspective. These rules have indeed been criticized [1, 3, 4] (the last reference even includes a proposal for ``fixing'' these rules). Several related messages have also been posted to the comp.lang.eiffel newsgroup. [JULY 1990 NOTE: since then there has also been a letter in the January/February 1990 issue of the Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, and recurring discussions in comp.lang.eiffel.] These rules were not designed hastily, however, and the experience of several years and hundreds of thousands of lines of useful Eiffel software even suggests that they are the only acceptable ones. 4.1 Rationale for the export rule Consider first the export-inheritance rule, which often surprises newcomers as an apparent violation of information hiding principles. How can a descendant override export restrictions of an ancestor, or hide what the ancestor exported? To obtain a better perspective on this rule it is useful to examine its application to what may be the archetypal example of inheritance. Assume PARENT is a class POLYGON and HEIR is a class RECTANGLE. The inheritance relation in this case is clear and natural. It is not absurd, however, to assume that class POLYGON has a procedure add_vertex (new: POINT) is -- Insert new vertex new at current cursor position do ... ensure nb_vertices = old nb_vertices + 1 end -- add_vertex For general polygons, this procedure may make sense. It is not, however, applicable to rectangles, whose class invariant should contain the clause nb_vertices = 4 The Eiffel solution is to ensure that class RECTANGLE does not export procedure add_vertex. This is the kind of case that led to situations such as /1/, with f being add_vertex. Figure : Alternative inheritance structures Three policies are possible in the face of such cases. + Policy 1 considers that this use of inheritance is inadequate: RECTANGLE is not a subtype of POLYGON because not all operations applicable to the latter are applicable to the former. According to this policy, the proper solution (see figure 1) is to consider two heirs to POLYGON: FIXED_POLYGON and VARIABLE_POLYGON. Procedure add_vertex is a feature of VARIABLE_POLYGON only, whereas RECTANGLE inherits from FIXED_POLYGON. This way the Eiffel rule can be changed to require that every class should export all features exported by its ancestors. (Even with this policy, however, there is no reason to prohibit a class from exporting a feature hidden by a proper ancestor. This technique is commonly used in practical Eiffel programming and, as discussed above, entails no danger of type failure.) + Policy 2 considers that inheritance is used properly in this case, but only for half of its capacity: as a module enrichment mechanism, not as a subtyping facility. The definition of class RECTANGLE should be permitted, but not polymorphic assignments of the form p := r (with p of type POLYGON and r of type RECTANGLE). The conformance rules governing such assignments (as outlined in section 11.3.1 of [5] and given fully in chapter 10 of [6]) should be updated to exclude such cases. If polymorphic assignments are needed, then the inheritance structure should be redesigned as shown in figure . + Policy 3 is more liberal: it permits the above polymorphic assignments as long as it can be ascertained statically at reasonable cost, for any Eiffel system involving these classes, that no type failure may result; in other words, that no add_vertex operation may ever be applied to p or an entity that may become associated with p. This is the policy applied in Eiffel, for which the exact rules will be given below. What speaks in favor of policies 1 and 2 is that they are extremely easy to implement for the compiler writer. Restricting exports in descendant classes (policy 1) is trivial; restricting polymorphic aliasing (policy 2) is almost as immediate. These solutions would also have the advantage of quieting the theoreticians and removing the fears of prospective users. In short, all obvious arguments seemed to push the designers of Eiffel towards policy 1 or 2: convenience (since the same group is also in charge of an implementation) and ease of convincing future users. So it takes some dose of fortitude to choose policy 3 and stick to it. Why should this be the Eiffel policy? The reasons can only be understood by going beyond the purely theoretical discussions and considering the practice of object-oriented software construction. Policies 1 and 2 assume that programming is for gods. Gods never make any mistake. Those among them who aside from their other business indulge in the heavenly pleasures of object- oriented programming always get their inheritance structures right the first time around. In today's job market, however, most employers must resort to hiring programmers who are only demigods, or even in some cases (although they will deny it) mere mortals. Then we have to accept the need to work with inheritance structures that may already in be place and have been designed with less-than-perfect foresight. Assume for example that POLYGON had already been designed and has descendants such as CONVEX_POLYGON and CONCAVE_POLYGON. In other words, the existing inheritance structure does not take into account the difference between ``variable'' and ``fixed'' polygons. Then a new programmer comes in and has a need for RECTANGLE; writing it as an heir to POLYGON seems the obvious solution. Policy 1 precludes doing this without first reorganizing the entire inheritance structure. This is unrealistic in a practical development environment. True, we should accept the need for regular improvements of inheritance structures, reflecting improved understanding of software artefacts. But as anyone who has managed a class library in an industrial environment will appreciate, such evolution should be carefully planned and properly controlled. One cannot accept a situation in which new but legitimate uses of a class require constant changes in the design of existing libraries. Policy 2 is only marginally better. It does allow the programmer to define RECTANGLE as an heir to POLYGON but prevents him from using polymorphism in this case; it is not possible, for example, to define a data structure such as polygon_stack: STACK [POLYGON] and push a RECTANGLE object onto polygon_stack. This is particularly frustrating in an application that never even uses add_vertex. Again, the only solution is to redesign the inheritance structure. Policies 1 and 2 are overly inflexible. In contrast, the idea of policy 3 is to avoid bothering programmers with unnecessary restrictions when their use of inheritance cannot possibly lead to any type failure. The criterion to apply is obvious in the example given: the checker should reject any software system that contains both of the operations + p := r + p.add_vertex (...) Because checkers cannot realistically carry out flow analysis, it is not necessary to check whether or not these two instructions can be executed on the same control flow path; the mere presence of both in the same system is reason enough for the checker to reject that system. In other words, we accept without regret that the following sequence (with n an integer entity) will be rejected even though it cannot possibly lead to a type failure: if n >= 0 then p := r end if n < 0 then p.add_vertex (...) end The reason for this was discussed in section 2.4: checkers should only be bound to perform ``reasonable'' controls. For a checker to recognize that the above is safe requires control flow analysis, whose cost, if it is at all possible, is not justified by the benefit. Using the terminology of section 2.4, we are past the point of diminishing returns. As noted, type checking is always a pessimistic strategy; the only question is what degree of pessimism is acceptable. Rejecting extracts of the above form appears acceptable because it is hard to conceive of them being used in useful programs. This is not true, however, of the much stronger pessimism implied by policies 1 and 2, which leads to rejection of programs that, for the reasons discussed above, are useful and even needed. How policy 3 can be implemented at reasonable cost will be discussed below. 4.2 Further reflections on inheritance The argument made above for orthogonal export and inheritance mechanisms was that inheritance structures may be temporarily imperfect. The implied consequence is that eventually these structures will be perfected; then policies 1 and 2 could be implemented if we were willing to implement tougher library management procedures (forcing restructuring when appropriate, and requiring new heir designs to wait in the meantime). Unfortunately, even such an approach may not be viable. In practice we must probably accept that some inheritance structures will always be imperfect. Inheritance is the application to software engineering of the most fundamental of all scientific techniques: classification. The modern forms of the natural sciences, since Linnaeus, and of mathematics, at least since Bourbaki, were borne out of systematic efforts to classify natural and artificial objects; object-oriented programming attempts the same for software objects. Classification is humanity's attempt to bring a semblance of order to the description of an otherwise rather chaotic world. As anyone who has ever tried to use a botany book to recognize actual flowers knows, classifications never quite achieve perfection. Close as one can get to a fully satisfactory system, a few exceptions and special examples will remain. Moving from botany to zoology, the cliche' example of ostriches and flying illustrates these problems well. In class BIRD, it seems appropriate to include and export a feature fly. But a descendant class such as STRUTHIO (the name of the genus that includes ostriches) should not export fly. This is really the Eiffel form of selective inheritance, or rejecting part of your heritage: the rejected feature is still there internally, but not visible by your clients. (The discussion of selective inheritance in section 10.5.3 of [5], is too restrictive in this respect: it seems to reject any form of selective inheritance, even though Eiffel supports the form discussed here.) In a case such as this one there does not seem to be a much better solution. Any other classification of birds, for example into flying and non-flying ones, would miss key criteria for distinguishing between various classes of birds, and would undoubtedly cause bigger problems than the original solution. Multiple inheritance from a class FLYING_THING would not help much. So far, only a minority of Eiffel users have admittedly reported ostrich-oriented programming as their major area of technical interest. But the need to deal with imperfect inheritance structures seems universal. Of course, we should strive to make these structures as complete and regular as possible. But we must also accept that unexpected special cases and exceptions may always occur. When they do and the programmer is only performing safe manipulations, the programming environment should help him, not put undue restrictions in his way. 4.3 Rationale for the redefinition rule The analysis of the redefinition rule is similar to the preceding discussion of the export rule. It is in fact hard to see what convention other than the one used in Eiffel can have any practical value. Consider classes HEIR and PARENT as above, and add HEIR_QUEUE and PARENT_QUEUE representing stacks of objects of these respective types. Of course, the normal Eiffel method is to use genericity and declare these classes as QUEUE [HEIR] and QUEUE [PARENT]. But the use of genericity does not affect this discussion. Clearly, if every instance of HEIR ``is-an'' instance of PARENT, a list of HEIR objects also ``is-a'' list of PARENT objects. This and other reasons suggest that HEIR_QUEUE should inherit from PARENT_QUEUE. The conformance rules indeed ensure this if genericity is used. Assume that PARENT_QUEUE contains a procedure add with an argument of type PARENT. Clearly, we only want to add HEIR objects into an HEIR_QUEUE. So insert should be redefined in HEIR_QUEUE so as to take an argument of type HEIR. This satisfies the Eiffel rule for redefining routine arguments - the covariant policy. (In practical Eiffel programming, no explicit redefinition will be used; the effect is achieved more elegantly by a like something declaration, also known as declaration by association.) Interestingly, denotational models for inheritance (see [2] or the brief presentation in [7]) prescribe the reverse, ``contravariant'' rule: arguments can only be redefined to ancestor types of the original. This is apparently [3] the rule implemented in Trellis-Owl. Examples such as the above, of which there are thousands in practical Eiffel applications, make it very hard to imagine how significant object-oriented software can be written in a typed language without a covariant policy. Many of these examples use declaration by association, which is only a syntactical abbreviation, but in practice an essential one; its very availability for routine arguments is only possible because of the covariant rule. Pronouncements that the contravariant rule is ``the correct policy'', based on the revealed truths of denotational semantics, are surprising. (When the facts revolt, send in the lambda troops!). To be sure, the simplicity of mathematical models is an important guideline for assessing programming language decisions. Yet a model that conflicts with practical needs of software development loses its usefulness. A model is only an operational description of some reality. If the two do not match, the scientific method suggests that we should change the model, not the reality. The problem with the covariant rule, of course, is that it opens the possibility of type failures of the kind called /2/ above, which readily transposes to our latest example: /4/ pl: PARENT_QUEUE; hl: HEIR_QUEUE; p: PARENT; ... p.Create; hl.Create; pl := hl; pl.add (p) As noted for /2/, the possible type failure is delayed in this case, occurring for example when something like the following is executed. h := hl.oldest; h.heir_op (Entity h is of type HEIR, heir_op is a feature introduced in HEIR and not available in PARENT, and feature oldest returns a queue element.) The answer to such a case is in line with the result of the discussion on the export-inheritance rule: put the burden on the compiler, not the compiler. Any occurrence of the last two above instructions in an Eiffel system should be detected by the checker; once again, their mere coexistence, without any consideration of whether the two can be part of the same control flow path, is sufficient cause for rejection. No flow analysis should be imposed on the checker. The next section specifies the type rules in light of the preceding discussion. The following one will outline the method to be followed by a checker to enforce these rules at reasonable cost. ******* END OF FIRST POSTING. PLEASE APPEND SECOND POSTING *** -- Bertrand Meyer
bertrand@eiffel.UUCP (Bertrand Meyer) (07/30/90)
STATIC TYPING FOR EIFFEL Bertrand Meyer January 1989 (updated, July 1989) (Minor revisions, July 1990) ****** POSTED IN TWO PARTS; THIS IS POSTING 2 ******** *** Please prepend posting 1 *** 5 THE TYPE RULE The type rule will be introduced under a number of simplifying assumptions, meant to keep the discussion clear. 5.1 Simplifications An Eiffel type will be taken to be defined by a class. This includes in fact two simplifications: + ``Expanded types'', which in particular include the basic types INTEGER, REAL etc., are not covered. These, however, are not involved in polymorphism, and hence do not raise any of the problems discussed above. + Generically parameterized types are also not covered. Genericity, essential in practical uses of Eiffel, does not fundamentally affect the current discussion. A consequence of this simplification is that ``B conforms to A'' is the same relation as ``B is a descendant of A''. For the purpose of this discussion, Eiffel may be viewed as having only two primitives: assignment and feature application. An assignment is of the form x := y and is a reference assignment. The left-hand side is an entity; the right-hand side is an expression. A feature application is either ``remote'' or ``local'', corresponding to the two forms x.f (a, b, ...) f (a, b, ...) where feature f may be an attribute or a routine. All feature applications will be considered to be remote applications of routines with exactly one argument, of the form: x.r (a) meaning ``Apply routine r to the object associated with x, if any, with the given arguments''. This simplification does not entail any loss of generality: + For local feature applications, we can consider that x is Current, the predefined entity representing the current object. + A routine with no argument may always be rewritten as having one argument, not used in the body. + For a feature f which is an attribute, we can write an associated function r with one argument (not used), returning the value of the attribute, and replace all applications of f by applications of r. + For a routine with more than one argument, the rules on a as given below are easily extended to rules applying to every formal argument and the corresponding actual arguments. The above does not consider ``multidot'' feature applications of the form a.b.c.d.... Although useful in practice, they can safely be ignored from a theoretical viewpoint since they can always be replaced by sequences of one-dot applications by using auxiliary variables (x := a.b; y := x.c; etc.) More generally, we may consider that every expression (usable as source for an assignment or actual argument to a routine) is either an entity or a feature application of the above form, where r must be a function. As a last simplification, we assume that no renaming is used, so that a feature defined in a class has the same name in all descendant classes, including those where it is redefined. This entails no loss of generality since renaming is a purely syntactic facility, albeit a very important one in practice. The only case for which renaming is indispensable is removing name clashes in multiple inheritance; for the purpose of this discussion we can assume that the original classes are rewritten so as to avoid any such case. In the same spirit we assume that when a routine is redefined the name of its formal argument (whose type may be redefined according to the covariant rule) does not change. 5.2 The goal of typing The preceding simplifications make it possible to express the goal of Eiffel typing in a complete yet simple way: _________________________________________________ Type safety constraint: An Eiffel system is said to be type-safe if for any routine application x.r (a), and for any dynamic types DX and DA that x and a may take during the execution of the system, DX includes and exports a routine corresponding to r, with a formal argument declared of a type which is an ancestor of DA. _________________________________________________ A system satisfying this constraint cannot suffer type failures at run time. It can still, however, suffer other failures, most notably by attempting to apply a routine r to a reference x that happens to be void. But this, as the division by zero case discussed at the beginning of this article, is not within the scope of typing strategies. Clearly, the contravariant rule, combined with either of policies 1 and 2 for export and inheritance, guarantees the type safety constraint. We must now see how to ensure it with the more liberal rules: policy 3 and the covariant rule. 5.3 The type rule The fundamental type rule will address the preceding requirements; it replaces (by strengthening it) the first rule of section 3.2. The rule uses the set Aliases (x) which, for any entity x in a system, contains all entities to which x may become aliased through assignment or routine call. A precise definition of this set will be given below. The type rule is the following: _________________________________________________ Type rule: An Eiffel system is type-correct if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied for any routine application x.r (z): + For every y in Aliases (x), Sy exports r. + For every y in Aliases (x) and every t in Aliases (z), St conforms to the type of the formal argument of r in Sy . _________________________________________________ Pending a proper definition of Aliases, it is clear that this rule will satisfy the above type constraint. 5.4 Aliasing It remains to define Aliases (x) precisely. A more correct notation would be Aliases [S] (x) denoting the possible aliases of x with respect to a given system (set of classes) S. In what follows S will be considered to be fixed and the subscript will be dropped. Repeating the definition of a few basic concepts will be useful. + An entity is a name declared in a class, representing a reference which may be assigned values at run-time. Formally, then, an entity of name x appearing in class C is defined by the pair <C, x>. For simplicity, entities will in fact be designated below given by their entity names only, but we must be careful to make it clear, for every x, what class C it belongs to. C will be called the class of x + Any entity x is declared of a certain type, called the static type of x and written Sx. The declaration may appear in the class of the entity or, for an inherited entity, in an ancestor. + At any time during execution, the type of the object associated with a non-void entity is called the dynamic type of the entity and written Dx. The second basic type rule (section 3.2) guarantees that the dynamic type conforms to the static type. + The definition of entities includes the predefined entity Result, denoting the result of a function. To resolve any ambiguity, the function name will be used in this case as name for the entity. Aliases is introduced through two binary relations. First entity y is said to be assignable to entity x if and only if any of the following assignments appears in the system: A.1 + x := y A.2 + x := b.y (t) for any b and t. In the second case, the relation holds not only for the entity y declared in Sb but also to the corresponding entities in all the descendants of this class. Next, y is said to be bindable to x if and only if one of the following calls appears in S: B.1 + a.r (y) B.2 + a.r (b.y(t)) In both cases the relation holds whenever x is the formal argument for r in any descendant of Sa; in the second case the relation extends to all y in any descendant of class Sb. We say that y is a direct alias for x if y is assignable to x or bindable to x. Aliases (x) may now be defined by transitive reflexive closure: for any entity x, Aliases (x) is the set containing x itself and all entities y such that, for some z, y is a direct alias for z and (recursively) z belongs to Aliases (x). The above definitions consider all assignments and routine calls present in the system regardless of whether they may or may not be executed in actual runs of the system. So no flow analysis will be needed to enforce the type rule; as announced in 4.1, this will mean a pessimistic policy, although a less pessimistic one than policies 1 and 2. (The inclusion of all descendants of Sa and Sb in the above rules is also pessimistic; the aim here was to keep the definitions simple at no significant loss of useful systems. The interested reader may wish to examine how these conditions can be relaxed.) 6 IMPLEMENTING THE RULE [This section is only relevant for readers who are interested in the details of the incremental verification mechanism. Others are invited to proceed to the last section.] As introduced so far, the computation of Aliases (x) for every entity of a system does not take into account the order of compilation. As discussed in section 2.4, an essential requirement is the ability for the automatic incremental compilation mechanism to check a new class without re-checking the classes on which it depends - its suppliers and ancestors - if they have already been checked. Although the Eiffel incremental recompilation algorithm is not in the public domain, we may outline the strategy here. The first observation is that case B.2, which seems the most formidable one, can safely be ignored. By conceptually introducing a new entity z we can rewrite the corresponding call as z := b.y(t); a.r (z) making B.2 a combination of A.2 and B.1. The incremental compilation requirement precludes the straightforward implementation of type checking, whereby we would compute Aliases (x) for every entity x, and then examine every feature call x.f (z) to see if it satisfies the type rule. True, this is appropriate for A.2: whenever this case yields a new direct alias y for x, then the class of x is a client of the class of y, so that the set Aliases (x) may be updated in an order compatible with the compilation order. But this does not work for case B.1, where it is in fact the class of y which is a client of the class of x. (In case A.1 x and y belong to the same class.) As a consequence we must adopt a mixed strategy; the sets to be examined must be computable and adaptable in an order compatible with the dependency relation (and hence the compilation order). For every entity x, these sets will be: + Remote_aliases (x), the set of y for which A.2 holds; for convenience, this set also contains x. + Required_exports (x), the set of routines r which must be exported by the class of x because the system contains a call z.f (t) for some z such that x is in Aliases (z). + Required_types (x), the set of types C to which the Sx must conform because the system contains a call z.f (t), where f requires a formal argument of type C, for some z such that x is in Aliases (z). The strategy to follow conceptually involves four steps for each new class. Step 1 initializes the above sets for each entity x of the class: the first set is initialized to the set containing just x itself; the second, to the set of f such that x.f (...) appears in the class; the last, to the types of the corresponding arguments. Step 2 propagates aliasing information to descendants. Whenever a new class HEIR is defined as heir to an existing one PARENT, step 2 performs the following for every entity x of HEIR (where x' is the corresponding entity in PARENT): + Remote_aliases (x) := Remote_aliases (x) U Remote_aliases (x') + Required_exports (x) := Required_exports (x) U Required_exports (x') + Required_types (x) := Required_types (x) Required_types (x') This step implements the rule given in the previous section for both the ``assignable'' and ``bindable'' relations: any alias of an entity of class PARENT is considered to be also an alias of the corresponding entities in descendants of PARENT. For each new class, step 3 will perform the incremental computation of the three above sets and step 4 will verify that these sets satisfy the type rule. As will be seen below, these two steps may be performed simultaneously on each class. Step 3, when encountering any of the first three types of potential aliasing introduced above, must update the sets as follows: A.1 + Required_exports (y) := Required_exports (y) U Required_exports (x) Required_types (y) := Required_types (y) Required_types (x) A.2 + Remote_aliases (x) := Remote_aliases (x) U Remote_aliases (y) B.1 + Required_exports (y) := Required_exports (y) U Required_exports (x) Required_types (y) := Required_types (y) Required_types (x) In each of these cases the updating has been chosen so that it only affects some sets A (x) for an entity x in the new class, not in its (possibly old) suppliers. Using the above updates, the given sets are computed incrementally in an order which is compatible with inter-class dependencies, so that the computation may be integrated with the automatic compiling mechanism. Once this has been done, step 4 establishes the type rule for every new class C by checking the following two properties for every entity x in C: P1 + Every routine r in Required_exports (y), for every y in Remote_aliases (x), is exported by C. P2 + Sa belongs to Required_types (y) for all y in Remote_aliases (x). In practice, step 4 may be performed at the same time as step 3 on each class C. Property P1 may be verified incrementally by checking in cases A.1 and B.1 that r belongs to Required_exports (y). P2 is verified incrementally by checking in cases A.1 and B.1 that Sa belongs to Required_types (y). This incremental checking assumes that some initial verification has been integrated with steps 1 and 2. The details are easily filled. It is interesting to note that this initialization of the complete checking process is precisely the set of verifications performed by the current Eiffel compiler, reflecting the first and second rules described in section 3.2. As this discussion as shown, the full checking strategy is an extension to this partial approach. 7 ASSESSMENT To conclude, it is useful to examine a few possible objections to the rules and enforcement strategy described above. A first possible objection is that the algorithm sketched in the previous section is too difficult to integrate with the current Eiffel compiler. Of course, the only way to refute this objection would be to present the implementation, which is still some time away. The objection can only be made, however, by someone who does not realize the sophistication of some of the tasks already performed by the current Eiffel compiler (for example the implementation of repeated inheritance). A related objection addresses the cost of the new checking, especially in space. The precise impact needs to be assessed more carefully, but I believe the checking can reasonably be integrated within the normal compiling mechanism. If not, the mechanism would still be available as a compiler option a` la Lint, to be applied to systems at validation time. Perhaps the most serious objection has to do with the relative complexity of the mechanism described in the preceding section. But this mechanism is of no interest to normal users of the language; only implementors (and others doubtful of the soundness and enforceability of the type rules) need to understand it. Eiffel programmers should only learn the type rule of section 5.3. This rule is only slightly more complex than the old type rule (first rule of section 3.2), which implies it; the advantage of the new rule should be clear to programmers reading a simplified form of the ``rationale'' section of this article (4). An attractive property of the incremental strategy described in the last section is that it appears to make it possible for the checker to produce clear and precise error messages, of the form ``In line m, feature f is applied to x; however, because of the assignment on line n, x might dynamically be of type D, which does not export f.'' If, as seems to be the case, the Eiffel compiler can reach this level of sophistication, then we will have achieved our goal. The purpose of a typed language is the same as the purpose of the programming environment of which it is a part: to help programmers, not stand in their way. The sole purpose of type restrictions is to boost programmer productivity by enabling an automatic checker to catch errors that would be difficult for a human being to detect. The liberal typing policy designed for Eiffel (``policy 3'') was designed to make programmers' life easier. The type failures to which it may lead are results of abnormal situations. Detecting such situations statically is a tricky and tedious business; as any such business, it should be handled by computers, not by humans. Acknowledgments I am deeply indebted to all the people who contributed to the type debate, including those with whose conclusions I disagree, for encouraging me to clarify the matter of types in Eiffel. As far as I can remember, Mike Ladner from Schmidt Associates was the first to point out the problems clearly, in private discussions with me. Apart from Philippe Elinck's student thesis, Pierre America was the first to discuss them in print (in his review of my book), and his article, together with William Cook's article, may still be the best exposition of the ``opposing'' view. I also thank Ralph Johnson for sharing with me (in private mail) some useful insights gained from his experience with Typed Smalltalk. [1] Pierre America, "Review of `Object-Oriented Software Construction'", Science of Computer Programming, 1989. [2] Luca Cardelli, "A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance", in Semantics of Data Types, ed. Gilles Kahn, David B. McQueen and Gordon Plotkin, pp. 51-67, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1984. [3] William Cook, "A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe", ECOOP Conference, 1989. [4] Philippe Elinck, "De la Conception-Programmation par Objets", Me'moire de Licence en Informatique (BS Thesis), Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 1988. [5] Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction, Prentice-Hall, 1988. [6] Bertrand Meyer, "Eiffel: The Language", Technical Report TR-EI-17/RM, Interactive Software Engineering Inc., Santa Barbara (Calif.), August 1989. (To be published by Prentice-Hall in 1990.) [7] Bertrand Meyer, An Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages, Prentice-Hall, 1989. To appear. [8] Bertrand Meyer, "Eiffel: An Introduction", Technical Report TR-EI-3/GI, Interactive Software Engineering Inc., Santa Barbara (Calif.), 1986 (Last revision: 1990). [9] Craig Schaffert, Topher Cooper, Bruce Bullis, Mike Kilian and Carrie Wilpolt, "An Introduction to Trellis-Owl", in OOPSLA '86 Conference Proceedings, Portland (Oreg.), Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1986, pp. 9-16, 1986. (Published as SIGPLAN Notices, 21, 11, Nov. 1986.) -- -- Bertrand Meyer