[comp.lang.eiffel] Graphics cluster: instances of DEVICE

belle@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Steve Belle) (02/08/91)

I have recently been poking around in the Eiffel graphics classes from ISE.
I have discovered that for any graphical application, there are two
instances of "device" created.  One of these comes from the window cluster,
in class DEV_CONST, and the other comes from the figure cluster, in 

To the limited extent that I have dug into this, it seems
that this is not necessary.  All of the figure classes (POINT, POLYLINE,
POLYGON, etc.) have respective *_IMP classes that in turn inherit from 
class FIGURE_IMP, which inherits from DEV_CONST.  The various *_IMP classes
redefine the attributes device, black_color, and white_color inherited from
FIGURE_IMP to avoid conflict with attributes of the same names coming
from GRAPH_CONST.  This implementation results in 2 instances of DEVICE
being created, the first when the application is started up, and the 
second when any type of figure is Created.  

It seems that only 1 instance of a device (and a black_color & white_color)
is required (or desired). I believe the attributes device, black_color, and 
white_color should be removed from class GRAPH_CONST, as well as the renaming 
clauses in the various figure_IMP classes.  This also requires the addition
of DEV_CONST to the inherit clause of class GEN_FIGURE, because one of 
the routines in that class has a pre-condition that requires an instance of

In my opinion, the implementation I suggest seems to make more sense because
it means that, per application, there is only one instance each of device,
black_color, and white_color.  Anyone else have thoughts or experience with

Steve Belle