[comp.lang.eiffel] Simple program. Bug?

hubert@spica.ucsb.edu (03/13/91)

I wrote a simple ( not even) a program for Eiffel to see how the 
sorted-list class works but the "ec" gave me some messy message.

But it works well, when I changed it into linked_list.
I have included the UNIVERSE to be structures...etc.
As a new programmer in Eiffel I would like to know the answer.

class courselist export



	createclist 	(c:integer) is

end --class courselist	

Pass 2 on class sorted_list
"sorted_list": cannot open /usr/packages/Eiffel/library/structures/sorted_list.E/.F
Fatal error. Cannot resume.

*** ec: pass2 canceled

What is wrong? Please e-mail or post. Thank you.

Hung-Hsien Chang ( Hubert)		E-mail: hubert@cs.ucsb.edu

P.S: Hubert is not my middle name; it is easier for American friends to call me.

richieb@bony1.bony.com (Richard Bielak) (03/14/91)

In article <9865@hub.ucsb.edu> hubert@spica.ucsb.edu writes:
>I wrote a simple ( not even) a program for Eiffel to see how the 
>sorted-list class works but the "ec" gave me some messy message.

>Pass 2 on class sorted_list
>"sorted_list": cannot open /usr/packages/Eiffel/library/structures/sorted_list.E/.F
>Fatal error. Cannot resume.
>*** ec: pass2 canceled

Most likely the directory "/usr/packages/Eiffel/library/structures
/sorted_list.E" is protected so that you cannot place files there.
"ec" has to create a file in that directory, because SORTED_LIST has
not been compiled yet with the options you have in your .eiffel file.

Make sure that the directory allows rw access for all users.

Hope this helps.


| Richie Bielak  (212)-815-3072    | "The sights one sees at times makes one |
| Internet:      richieb@bony.com  |  wonder if God ever really meant for    |
| Bang:       uunet!bony1!richieb  |  man to fly."  -- Charles Lindbergh     |