(frieder monninger) (05/17/91)
Eiffel/S is an implementation of the new standard Eiffel/3 as described in Bertrand Meyer's book "Eiffel: The Language" It is implemented for MS/DOS, OS/2 and Atari TOS We haven't got the final version of the book until today (May 15th) but we hope to get it within the next days. Since we we'll need about 8-10 weeks to adapt the compiler and the libraries, the delivery of Eiffel/S will start at August 1, 1991 The book should be published by Prentice Hall by the end of July. For more information contact your local Eiffel Distributor (ISE for USA and Canada) -- Frieder Monninger SIG Computer GmbH D 6333 Braunfels +49 6472 2096 -- Frieder Monninger SIG Computer GmbH D 6333 Braunfels +49 6472 2096