[comp.lang.sigplan] Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 3rd Intl Conf.

dswise@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (David S. Wise) (01/28/89)

                     Third International Conference on
                   Rewriting Techniques and Applications
                              April 3-5, 1989
                        Chapel Hill, North Carolina
                            Preliminary Program
                         Registration Information

The third bi-annual Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
will be held April 3-5, 1989, on the campus of the University of North
Carolina in Chapel Hill (in cooperation with ACM).  Previous meetings were
held in Dijon (1985) and Bordeaux (1987).

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was the first state
university to open its doors (in 1795), and currently enrolls approximately
22,000 students.  The Computer Science Department has about 120 full-time
graduate students, and is particularly well known for its work in computer
graphics.  In 1987 the department moved into a new building, which has one
of the most advanced communications systems in the country.  Together with
Duke University and North Carolina State University, UNC at Chapel Hill is
one of the vertices of the Research Triangle, a rapidly growing cluster of
laboratories and start-up companies.  A number of major corporations have
facilities at the nearby Research Triangle Park, one of the nation's
largest and most successful research centers.  The Microelectronics Center
of North Carolina (MCNC) is also located at the Research Triangle Park.

Local Arrangements Chair:

	David A. Plaisted
	Department of Computer Science
	CB# 3175, 352 Sitterson Hall
	University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
	Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3175
	Internet: plaisted@cs.unc.edu
	telephone: [+1] (919) 962-1751

Program Committee:

	Bruno Courcelle              	       Deepak Kapur
	Nachum Dershowitz, Chair       	       Claude Kirchner
	Jean Gallier             	       Jan Willem Klop
	Jieh Hsiang               	       Dallas Lankford
	Jean-Pierre Jouannaud                  Mark Stickel


                 MONDAY, APRIL 3 -- Morehead Planetarium

8-9 Registration

9-10:30 Session I (Chair: Bruno Courcelle)

Generalized Grobner Bases: Theory and Applications. A Condensation.
Dallas Lankford (Louisiana Tech).

Restrictions of Congruences Generated by Finite Canonical String-Rewriting 
Friedrich Otto (SUNY - Albany).

Graph Grammars, A New Paradigm for Implementing Visual Languages.
Herbert Gottler (U Erlangen-Nurnberg).

10:30-10:50 Coffee Break

10:50-12:20 Session II (Chair: Deepak Kapur)

An Overview of LP, The Larch Prover.
Stephen J. Garland, John V. Guttag (MIT).

Computing Ground Reducibility and Inductively Complete Positions.
Reinhard Bundgen (U Tubingen), Wolfgang Kuchlin (Ohio State U).

(S) Inductive Proofs by Specification Transformations.
Hubert Comon (INPG).

(S) Rewriting Techniques for Program Synthesis.
Uday S. Reddy (U Illinois - Urbana-Champaign).

12:30-2 Lunch -- Carolina Inn

2-3:30 Session III (Chair: Claude Kirchner)

Classes of Equational Programs that Compile into Efficient Machine Code.
Robert I. Strandh (Lab Bordelais).

Completion-Time Optimization of Rewrite-Time Goal Solving.
Hubert Bertling, Harald Ganzinger (U Dortmund).

(S) LOG(F): Optimization by Non-deterministic, Lazy Rewriting.
Sanjai Narain (Rand).

(S) Transforming Strongly Sequential Rewrite Systems with Constructors for
Efficient Parallel Execution.
R. C. Sekar, Shaunak Pawagi, I. V. Ramakrishnan (SUNY - Stony Brook).

3:30-3:50 Coffee Break

3:50-5:20 Session IV (Chair: Jean Gallier)

Combining Matching Algorithms: The Regular Case.
Tobias Nipkow (MIT).

Higher-order Unification with Dependent Function Types.
Conal M. Elliott (CMU).

(S) Characterizations of Unification Type Zero.
Franz Baader (U Erlangen-Nurnberg).

(S) Narrowing and Unification in Functional Programming--An Evaluation 
for Absolute Set Abstraction.
John Darlington, Yi-ke Guo (Imperial Col).

5:30-6       UNC Graphics Demonstration.

6:30-9:30        Dinner and Business Meeting -- Carolina Inn


(S) denotes 15 minute presentation.


                   TUESDAY, APRIL 4 -- Sitterson Hall

9-10 Invited Lecture

Rewriting Ideas from Universal Algebra.
Garrett Birkhoff (Harvard).

10-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-12:20 Session V (Chair: Jean-Pierre Jouannaud)

On How to Move Mountains `Associatively and Commutatively'.
Mike Lai (U London).

Complete Sets of Reductions Modulo Associativity, Commutativity and Identity.
Timothy B. Baird (Harding U), Gerald E Peterson (McDonnell Douglas), 
Ralph W. Wilkerson (U Missouri - Rolla).

Proof Normalization for Resolution and Paramodulation.
Leo Bachmair (SUNY - Stony Brook).

(S) Efficient Ground Completion:
An O(n log n) Algorithm for Generating Reduced Sets of Ground Rewrite 
Rules Equivalent to a Set of Ground Equations E.
Wayne Snyder (Boston U).

(S) Consider Only General Superpositions in Completion Procedures.
Hantao Zhang (U Iowa), Deepak Kapur (SUNY - Albany).

12:30-4:30 Lunch and Excursion -- Duke Gardens

5-6:30 Demonstration Session -- Sitterson Hall (Chair: Mark Stickel)

Solving Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations and Associative Unification.
Habib Abdulrab (U Haute Normandie).

SbReve2: A Term Rewriting Laboratory with (AC-)Unfailing Completion.
Siva Anantharaman (U Orleans), Jieh Hsiang, Jalel Mzali (U Paris-Sud).

THEOPOGLES -- An Efficient Theorem Prover Based on Rewrite-Techniques.
J. Avenhaus, J. Denzinger, J. Mueller (U Kaiserslautern).

COMTES -- An Experimental Environment for the Completion of Term Rewriting 
Jurgen Avenhaus, Klaus Madlener, Joachim Steinbach (U Kaiserslautern).

ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Specification Environment.
Michel Bidoit, Francis Capy, Christine Choppy, Stephane Kaplan,
Francoise Schlienger, Frederic Voisin (U Paris-Sud).

KBlab: An Equational Theorem Prover for the Macintosh.
Maria Paola Bonacina (U Milano).

Fast Knuth-Bendix Completion: Summary.
Jim Christian (U Texas - Austin).

Compilation of Ground Term Rewriting Systems and Applications.
M. Dauchet, A. Deruyver (U Lille-Flandres-Artois).

An overview of Rewrite Rule Laboratory (RRL).
Deepak Kapur (SUNY - Albany), Hantao Zhang (U Iowa).

InvX: An Automatic Function Inverter.
H. Khoshnevisan, K. M. Sephton (U London).

A Parallel Implementation of Rewriting and Narrowing.
Naomi Lindenstrauss (Hebrew U).

Morphocompletion for One-Relation Monoids.
John Pedersen (U South Florida).

7-10 Banquet -- Keenan Conference Center


                  WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 -- Sitterson Hall

9-10:30 Session VII (Chair: Jieh Hsiang)

An Equational Logic Sampler.
George F. McNulty (U South Carolina).

Conditional Rewrite Rule Systems with Built-In Arithmetic and Induction.
Sergey G. Vorobyov (USSR Academy of Sciences).

(S) Abstract Rewriting with Concrete Operators.
Stephane Kaplan (Hebrew U), Christine Choppy (U Paris-Sud).

(S) Priority Rewriting: Semantics, Confluence, and Conditionals.
Chilukuri K. Mohan (Syracuse U).

10:30-10:50 Coffee Break

10:50-12:20 Session VIII (Chair: Jan Willem Klop)

Negation with Logical Variables in Conditional Rewriting.
Chilukuri K. Mohan, Mandayam K. Srivas (Syracuse U).

Algebraic Semantics and Complexity of Term Rewriting Systems.
Tohru Naoi, Yasuyoshi Inagaki (Nagoya U).

(S) Simulation of Turing Machines by a Left-Linear Rewrite Rule.
Max Dauchet (U de Lille-Flandres-Artois).

(S) Fair Termination is Decidable for Ground Systems.
Sophie Tison (U de Lille-Flandres-Artois).

12:30-2 Lunch -- Carolina Inn

2-4:30 Session IX (Chair: Dallas Lankford)

Termination for the Direct Sum of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems.
Yoshihito Toyama (NTT), Jan Willem Klop (CWI), Hendrik Pieter Barendregt
(Nijmegen U).

Modular Aspects of Properties of Term Rewriting Systems Related to Normal 
Aart Middeldorp (Vrije).

Extensions and Comparison of Simplification Orderings.
Joachim Steinbach (U Kaiserslautern).

Embedding with Patterns and Associated Recursive Path Ordering.
Laurence Puel (Ecole Normale).

(S) A Local Termination Property for Term Rewriting Systems.
Dana May Latch (North Carolina State), Ron Sigal (U Catania).

(S) Termination Proofs and the Length of Derivations.
Dieter Hofbauer (U Berlin), Clemens Lautemann (U Bremen).


Any attendee desiring to demonstrate software during the conference should
                    Dean Brock (brock@cs.unc.edu)

at the Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at
Chapel-Hill, 919-962-1717, immediately.


Chapel Hill, a town of about 40,000 in central North Carolina, blends a
mild climate, a relaxed southern atmosphere, and the charm of a college
town with such cultural advantages as excellent theater and music, an art
museum, and a planetarium.  The Carolina beaches, Cape Hattaras, Great
Smoky Mountains National Park, and the Blue Ridge Mountains are only a few
hours away.  North Carolina is known for its dogwoods, which are in bloom
in early April.

Typical weather in early April is 42F (6C) low, 67F (19C) high,
33 percent chance of rain, often partly cloudy,
9.4 mph (15 km/h) mean wind speed.

Anyone planning on attending should fill out the following form
and mail it (with or without payment) to:

	David A. Plaisted
	Department of Computer Science
	CB# 3175, 352 Sitterson Hall
	University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
	Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3175


                          PRE-REGISTRATION FORM

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Affiliation: _______________________________________________________________

Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________


Telephone: _________________________________________________________________

Electronic address (if available): _________________________________________

Fees in US$, payable to RTA-89:

	early regular    	  150    	 _____________
	early student*  	   90    	 _____________
	late regular     	  165    	 _____________
	late student*    	  105    	 _____________
	extra proceedings    	   25    	 _____________
	extra excursion/lunch	   20    	 _____________
	extra banquet    	   30    	 _____________

	total 	 	 		 	 _____________

Early registration fees apply to forms received with payment
by March 1, 1989.

*Student registration includes everything, except the banquet.

Special food requirements (if any): _____________________________________ 


Chapel Hill is served by Raleigh-Durham (International) Airport.  Limousine
service, by Airport Van Service, is available.  The fee is $8 for the first
person, $5 each additional person.  There will be pre-arranged vans from
about 3 to 10pm, every hour on the hour, on Sunday, April 2.  For other
times, call at least a day in advance to reserve a limo, though they may be
able to serve you even if you don't call in advance.  Their phone numbers
are 919-821-2111 and 919-596-2361.

A block of rooms is being held at the Carolina Inn near campus.  Carolina
Inn is picturesque, historic (50 years old), and conveniently located.
Three other, more modern, but less convenient, Chapel Hill motels are: Omni
Europa Hotel, Europa Drive, 919-968-4900; University Motor Inn, Raleigh
Road, 919-942-4132; Holiday Inn, US 15-501 Highway Bypass, 919-929-2171.
Note that parking is free for guests of the Carolina Inn, but otherwise
tight in the area.

For the Carolina Inn, the registration form below should be sent directly
to the hotel.  Requests will be accepted by mail only.  The address is:

	The Carolina Inn
	Reservations Office
	P.O. Box 1100
	Chapel Hill, NC  27514

Their telephone number is 919-933-2001.  To be assured of obtaining
accomodations, reservations must be made by March 12, 1989.


                      REQUEST FOR ROOM RESERVATION

GROUP:  643			 			April 2-April 6, 1989
DETAIL: *1 							    R.T.A. 89

You are responsible for making your reservations by completing this form:

Name ______________________________________________________ Arrival _________ 

Address ___________________________________________________ Depart __________ 


Telephone ___________________________________________________________________

Credit Card # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _______

SHARE WITH: _________________________________________________________________

Desired Accomodations: ______________________________________________________

ROOM RATES  (subject to change):    

Room for 1--$39 to $60  			Suite for 1--$75 to $85
Room for 2--$49 to $80  			Suite for 2--$90 to $100

Payment guarantee by credit card or cash deposit is required on all