[comp.lang.sigplan] LATE! POPL 90 call for papers

dswise@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (David S. Wise) (07/21/89)

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

The Seventeenth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages
San Francisco, California, January 17-19, 1990

The seventeenth POPL symposium will address fundamental principles and
important innovations in the design, definition, analysis and im-
plementation of programming languages and systems.  Both theoret-
ical and applied papers are solicited.  The symposium is not lim-
ited to topics included in previous POPL symposia;  papers intro-
ducing important new  topics  are  encouraged,  especially  those
promising  to  have  a  strong  influence  on  future programming
language research or development.  Papers at the  symposium  must
contain  material  not  presented previously in any formal forum.
  Authors should submit 12 copies of a  technical  summary  to
the  program  committee chair.  The initial submission should not
be a complete paper, and should be structured so that it  can  be
evaluated  by  members  of  the program committee in a reasonably
short time.  Submissions should be limited to 10 pages and should
not exceed 3000 words.  Papers will be judged on relevance, clar-
ity, correctness, originality and significance.  It is  important
to  emphasize what is new:  include specific results, sketches of
their derivations, and comparisons with previous work.
  Submissions  must  be  received  by  July  21, 1989,  and
should include a return mailing address, and  an  electronic  ad-
dress (if possible).  Depending on the number and quality of sub-
missions received, the program committee may consider alternative
formats  to increase the number of accepted papers, such as short
papers or parallel sessions.  Authors will be notified of  accep-
tance  or  rejection  by September 9, 1989.  Full ver-
sions of the accepted papers must  be  received  in  camera-ready
form  by October 21, 1989.  Authors of accepted papers
will be expected to sign a copyright release  form.   Proceedings
will  be  distributed  at the symposium, and will subsequently be
available from ACM.

Program Chair				Program Committee

Paul Hudak				Samson Abramsky, Imperial College
Department of Computer Science		Andrew Appel, Princeton University
Yale University				Luca Cardelli, DEC Systems Research
51 Prospect Street			Saumya Debray, University of  Arizona
New Haven, CT  06520			Peter Deutsch, ParcPlace Systems
(203) 432-4715				Mattias Felleison, Rice University
Hudak@cs.yale.edu			Jeanne Ferrante, IBM Watson Research
					Susan Horwitz, University of Wisconsin
					Paul Hudak, Yale University
Conference Chair:			Jayadev Misra, University of Texas
					Ravi Sethi, AT&T Bell  Laboratories
Frances E. Allen
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY   10598
(914) 789-7518 Allen@ibm.com :elines.

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

The Seventeenth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages
San Francisco, California, January 17-19, 1990