[comp.lang.sigplan] for posting comp.lang.sigplan

dswise@seafox.cs.indiana.edu (David S. Wise) (07/10/90)

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\Large\bf CALL FOR PAPERS \\
\sl The Eighteenth Annual\\
\sl ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium\\
\sl on Principles of Programming Languages \\
\sl Orlando, Florida, January 21-23, 1991 \\ \\

The eighteenth POPL symposium will address fundamental principles and
important innovations in the design, definition, analysis, and
implementation of programming languages and systems.  Both theoretical
and applied papers are solicted.  The symposium is not limited to
topics discussed in previous symposia; authors are encouraged to
submit papers introducing important new topics, especially those
promising to have a strong influence on future programming language
research and development.  Papers presented at the symposium must
include new ideas or experimental results that have not been
previously presented in any formal forum.

Authors are invited to submit 12 copies of a technical {\em summary}
of a prospective paper to the program committee chair.
The length of the summary should not exceed 3,000 words
(approximately 10 pages double-spaced or typeset 10-point on 16-point spacing).
A summary that significantly exceed this page limit is
likely to be rejected.  Since the
committee expects to receive a large number of submissions, the
summary should be organized so that it is easily understood.  It is
important for the summary to identify what has been accomplished,
to explain why it is significant, and to compare it with previous work.
Papers will be judged on relevance, significance, originality,
correctness, and clarity.

Submissions must be received by {\sl July 27, 1990}.  They should
include a return postal address and an electronic mail address (if
available).  Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection
of their papers by {\sl September 10, 1990}.  Full versions of the
accepted papers must be received in camera-ready form by {\sl October
19, 1990}.  Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign ACM
copyright release forms.  Proceedings will be distributed at the
conference and subsequently will be available for purchase from
ACM Press.
\begin{tabular}{@{}lp{.2in}l@{}} \\
{\bf Program Chair} &\ \ \ \ & {\bf Program Committee} \\
			   & & \\
Robert (Corky) Cartwright  & & Hassan A\"\i t-Kaci, {\it DEC Paris
Research Lab}\\
Department of Computer Science & & Robert Cartwright, {\it Rice University} \\
Rice University            & & Marina Chen, {\it Yale University} \\
Houston, TX  77251-1892    & & Alan Demers, {\it Xerox PARC} \\
713/527-4834, POPL91@rice.edu   & & Carl Gunter, {\it University of 
Pennsylvania} \\
{\sl Federal Express}:	   & & David Harel, {\it Weizmann Institute} \\
Herman Brown 230           & & Jean-Jacques L\'evy, {\it INRIA Rocquencourt} \\
6100 South Main Street     & & John Mitchell, {\it Stanford University} \\
Houston, TX 77005	   & & Uday Reddy, {\it University of Illinois} \\
			   & & Guy Steele, {\it Thinking Machines}\\
{\bf General Chair}	   & & John Williams, {\it IBM Almaden} \\
			   & & Dan Yellin, {\it IBM Yorktown}\\
David S. Wise		   & & \\ 
Department of Computer Science  & & \\
Indiana University         & & \\
101 Lindley Hall           & & \\
Bloomington, IN  47405-4101 & & \\
812/855-4866, dswise@cs.indiana.edu   & & \\
