[comp.lang.sigplan] PEPM'91 Advance Program

danvy@cis.ksu.edu (Olivier Danvy) (03/12/91)

Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation

June 17-19, 1991, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

A symposium sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group SIGPLAN,
in cooperation with IFIP.

The goal of PEPM'91 is to investigate the principles and applications
of partial evaluation and other methods for manipulating programs
based on their semantics.  Many recent advances in both theory and
practice and within a variety of programming language paradigms have
made it desirable to bring together researchers in the field, where
new ideas and syntheses of existing ones are expected to continue the
momentum of this rapidly evolving field.

The PEPM'91 proceedings will be available from ACM as a special issue
of SIGPLAN Notices.

Sunday, June 16th

5:00--6:30 pm Conference Registration

5:00--7:00 pm Reception

Monday, June 17th

Conference Registration


Tutorial on Partial Evaluation
John Launchbury, University of Glasgow

9:00--10:30 Session 1:
Chaired by Torben Mogensen, University of Copenhagen

Akihiko Takano, Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi
"Generalized Partial Computation for a Lazy Functional Language

Alexandre Romanenko, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Moscow
"Metacomputations and Inversion

Dan Sahlin, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
"Determinacy Analysis for Full Prolog

10:30--11:00 Break

11:00--12:30 Session 2:
Chaired by Yoshihito Futamura, Waseda University

Bjorn Lisper, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
"Detecting Static Algorithms by Partial Evaluation"

Timothy J. Hickey, Donald A. Smith, Brandeis University
"Partial Evaluation and Constraint Logic Programming"

Agostino Cortesi, Gilberto File, Universita degli Study di Padova
"Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: an Abstract Domain
 for Groundness, Sharing, Freeness, and Compoundness Analysis"

12:30--2:00 Lunch

2:00--3:30 Session 3:
Chaired by Kenneth Kahn, Xerox PARC

Donald A. Smith, Brandeis University
"Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in CLP Domains"

David Sherman, Robert Strandh, Irene Durand,
University of Chicago and Universite de Bordeaux 1
"Optimization of Equational Programs Using Partial Evaluation"

R.S. Sundaresh, Yale University
"Building Incremental Programs using Partial Evaluation"

3:30--4:00 Break

4:00--6:00 Session 4: 
Chaired by Mikhail Bulyonkov, Institute of Informatics Systems,

Uwe Meyer, Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen
"Techniques for Partial Evaluation of Imperative Languages"

Timothy S. McNerney, Thinking Machines Corporation
"Verifying the Correctness of Compiler Transformations on
 Basic Blocks using Abstract Interpretation"

Zena M. Ariola, Arvind, Harvard University and MIT
"A Syntactic Approach to Program Transformation"

Tuesday, June 18th

8:00--5:30 Conference Registration

8:00--8:45 Tutorial on Binding Time Analysis
Neil D. Jones, University of Copenhagen

9:00--10:30 Session 5:
Chaired by David A. Schmidt, Kansas State University

John Hannan, University of Copenhagen
"Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines"

Anne De Niel, Eddy Bevers, Karel De Vlaminck,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
"Program Bifurcation for a Polymorphically Typed Functional Language"

Sebastian Hunt, David Sands, Imperial College
"Binding Time Analysis: A New PERspective"

10:30--11:00 Break

11:00--12:30 Session 6:
Chaired by John Gallagher, University of Bristol

Carsten K. Gomard, Peter Sestoft, University of Copenhagen
"Globalization and Live Variables"

Young Gil Park, Benjamin Goldberg, New York University
"Reference Escape Analysis: Optimizing Reference Counting
 based on the Lifetime of References"

Olin Shivers, Carnegie-Mellon University
"The Semantics of Scheme Control-Flow Analysis"

12:30--2:00 Lunch

2:00--3:30 Session 7:
Chaired by Valentin Turchin, City University of New York

Andrei Klimov, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow
"Dynamic Specialization in an Extended Functional Language
 with Monotone Objects"

Siau Cheng Khoo, R.S. Sundaresh, Yale University
"Compiling Inheritance using Partial Evaluation"

Carsten K. Holst,  Carsten K. Gomard,
University of Glasgow and University of Copenhagen
"Partial Evaluation is Fuller Laziness"

3:30--4:00 Break

4:00--5:30 Session 8:
Chaired by Anders Haraldsson, University of Linkoping

Robert Muller, Harvard University
"M-LISP:  Its Natural Semantics and Equational Logic"

Torben Amtoft Hansen, University of Aarhus
"Properties of Unfolding-based Meta-level Systems"

Philip Wadler, University of Glasgow
"Is there a use for Linear Logic?"

7:00 pm Banquet

Wednesday, June 19th

8:00--8:45 Tutorial on Program Transformation
William Scherlis, DARPA

9:00--10:30 Session 9:
Chaired by Richard Waldinger, Stanford University

Alberto Pettorossi, Maurizio Proietti, University of
Rome II and IASI-CNR
"Semantics Preserving Transformation Rules for Prolog"

Spiro Michaylov, Frank Pfenning, Carnegie-Mellon University
"Compiling the Polymorphic Lambda-Calculus"

Ian Mason, Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University
"Program Transformations for Configuring Components"

10:00--10:30 Break

10:30--11:30 Session 10:
Chaired by Jan Komorowski, University of Trondheim

Robert Gluck, University of Vienna
"Towards Multiple Self-Application"

Erik Ruf, Daniel Weise, Stanford University
"Using Types to Avoid Redundant Specialization"

12:30 End of the Conference

General Chair:
 Charles Consel (USA) 
 Olivier Danvy (USA)

Program Chair:
 Paul Hudak (USA) 
 Neil D. Jones (Denmark)

Local Arrangements:
 Benjamin Goldberg (USA)

 Linda Joyce (USA)

 Olivier Danvy (USA)

Program Committee:
 Mikhail Bulyonkov (USSR) 
 Charles Consel (USA) 
 Olivier Danvy (USA) 
 Yoshihiko Futamura (Japan) 
 John Gallagher (UK) 
 Anders Haraldsson (Sweden) 
 Paul Hudak (USA) 
 Neil D. Jones (Denmark) 
 Kenneth Kahn (USA) 
 Jan Komorowski (Norway) 
 John Launchbury (UK) 
 Torben Mogensen (Denmark) 
 David A. Schmidt (USA) 
 Valentin Turchin (USA) 
 Richard Waldinger (USA)

Conference Site

All technical sessions, lunches, and registration will be held at Yale
University, 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06520. The
banquet will be held at a place to be announced. For further
information, contact Benjamin Goldberg, Computer Science Dept., New
York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, at (212)
998-3495 or goldberg@cs.nyu.edu


All of the major New York airports are within 2h30 from New Haven by
car or limousine.  Bradley International Airport (Hartford, CT) is
about 1h from New Haven.  Finally, New Haven has a small domestic
airport located less than two miles from the downtown area (10 minutes
by taxi).

New Haven is also easily reached by commuter train from New York and
by Amtrak from Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.

United Airlines has been designated as the official carrier of PEPM91
offering special round-trip fares to North American conferees.  United
and United Express will allow an additional 5% off any published fare
in the United States, or, with seven days advance purchase, 45% off
full coach fare from domestic cities or comparable published Canadian
Meeting Fares from selected Canadian cities. To take advantage of
these discounts, call (800) 521-4041 and cite Meeting ID No. 1521, or
give this information to your local travel agent. 


The weather in New Haven in June is sunny and warm. A light jacket may
be needed in the early morning and evening.


Advance registration for the Conference is highly recommended.  The
rates are indicated on the Registration Form. The deadline for advance
registration is May 10, 1991. Notice that the same deadline applies
for Hotel Reservation.  The registration fee includes a copy of the
Proceedings, the reception Sunday evening, luncheons on Monday and
Tuesday, refreshments during the breaks, three continental breakfasts
and the Tuesday night Banquet.  Speakers and program committee members
should use the $255 rate.  Extra banquet tickets can be purchased for
$35.  The student registration fee does not include the lunches or the
dinner.  On-site registration will be accepted Sunday evening, and
during the Conference.  For further information, contact Linda Joyce
(203) 432-4715 or joyce@cs.yale.edu

Participants from countries for which a visa for entering the US is
required are strongly advised to apply in their home country at least
two months before the intended date of travel.

Circle the appropriate fee below and mail this form to

Linda Joyce
Department of Computer Science, Yale University 
51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06520
(203) 432-4715

Conference Registration Form 
ACM SIGPLAN & IFIP Symposium on Partial Evaluation 
and Semantics Based Program Manipulation 1991 

Advance registration deadline is May 10, 1991
Category		Early	Late
ACM members		$255	$290
Non-members		$295	$360
Full-time student	$90	$100

Last Name: _____________________________________________

First Name: ____________________________________________

ACM/Student ID Number: _________________________________

Affiliation: ___________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


Country: _______________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________

Name to appear on badge: _______________________________

Dietary restrictions: __________________________________

Put my name on the conference attendee list: yes/no

Registration will be accepted only if accompanied by payment. Payment
is in U.S. dollars by check made out to PEPM'91, or by international
money order.  Fees will be returned in full if a written request for
cancellation is received before May 10, 1991. Past this date, no money
will be refunded.

Hotel Reservation Form 
ACM SIGPLAN & IFIP Symposium on Partial Evaluation 
and Semantics Based Program Manipulation 1991 

Hotel reservations should be made by sending the following hotel
reservation form before May 10, 1991 to

Colony Inn, 1157 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT  06511 
(203) 776-1234, (800) 458-8810 outside Connecticut, Fax (203) 772-3929

		    PEPM'91 Hotel Registration Form
			       Colony Inn
			   1157 Chapel Street
			  New Haven, CT  06511

			     (203) 776-1234
		   (800) 458-8810 outside Connecticut
		          Fax: (203) 772-3929




Arrival date & time____________________________________________________

Departure date_________________________________________________________


Reservations must be received by May 10, 1991.

    -- Single $77.98               -- Double $88.24


__Mastercard         __American Express     __ Visa     __Diners

card no_________________________        Name on card_________________

expiration date________

Date: _______________  Signature: ___________________________

All rates are per day, per room, including taxes and service,
excluding breakfast.  All prices are given in American dollars.
Settlement must be made in this currency.

ruf@dolores.stanford.edu (Erik Ruf) (03/20/91)

In article <1991Mar12.043549.17009@neon.Stanford.EDU> danvy@cis.ksu.edu (Olivier Danvy) writes:

    United Airlines has been designated as the official carrier of PEPM91
    offering special round-trip fares to North American conferees.  United
    and United Express will allow an additional 5% off any published fare
    in the United States, or, with seven days advance purchase, 45% off
    full coach fare from domestic cities or comparable published Canadian
    Meeting Fares from selected Canadian cities. To take advantage of
    these discounts, call (800) 521-4041 and cite Meeting ID No. 1521, or
    give this information to your local travel agent. 

I just spoke with someone at the United Airlines convention desk; the
Meeting ID for PEPM91 is 449OD, not 1521 as advertised.  The 5%
discount is good on flights into New York City or Hartford, but not
for flights into New Haven.

-- Erik