[bionet.technology.conversion] VOTING for BIOCONVERSION

E_Juhani_Tenhunen_@com.kpo.fi (11/15/88)

 ( 15694 ) 88-11-15  09:21 Rob Harper (HY/microbiology)
Information copy to:    P2269 @QZCOM.BITNET from Rob Harper (HY/microbiology)
Receiver: BIOEARN (Finland) /received/
Subject: New BIONET groups (copied from RNEWS)... General information.

NEWS-Posting: Newsgroup <news.groups>, Item <#141>, Subject <New BIONET Groups>
Path: opmvax!router!tut!draken!kth!enea!mcvax!uunet!husc6!mailrus!purdue!decwrl
Newsgroups: news.admin,news.groups
Subject: New BIONET Groups
Message-ID: <Nov.>
From: lear@NET.BIO.NET (Eliot Lear)
Date: 11 Nov 88 22:55:23 GMT
Organization: Natl Computer Resource for Mol. Biology
Lines: 17
Xref: opmvax news.admin:139 news.groups:141

Please be aware that the following groups will be created over the
weekend, and that they are legitimate.

bionet.technology.conversion is for discussion on the use of
biotechnological processes for biomass and waste treatment, for
energy, environmental, food and feeds.

bionet.molbio.ageing is for discussions of cellular and organismal

If you do not receive a bionet newsfeed and would like one, please
contact me through electronic mail or by phone at +1-415-962-7323.

Eliot Lear
The BIONET Project