[bionet.technology.conversion] Looping problems due to Finnish connections

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (12/02/88)

I am sorry that you readers have received some junk mail, too, as first
messages through BIO-CONVERSION. The reason was an erroneus connection of
the PortaCOM conference "BIOCONVERSION ABO" at com.abo.FI in Turku. The
error has now been corrected and I hope that the actual discussion can start.
It seems that my first message has not come through every link yet, and
I'll consider resending of it later.

In the next week I'll be on a conference trip in Sweden, so there are no
led discussion yet. Please make your contributions freely, if you've any!

Yours sincerely, Juhani Tenhunen, M. Sc. (Biochem. Eng.)
                 University of Joensuu, Karelian Institute
                 Section of Ecology
                 Laboratory of Environmental and Energy Biotechnology
                 P.O. Box 111
              SF-80101 Joensuu 10
                 FINLAND, EUROPE