[bionet.technology.conversion] Bioconversion for household scale

ecoleeb@opmvax.kpo.fi (12/11/88)

In article <40054167.b617@june.engin.umich.edu>, lwk@caen.engin.umich.edu (Woody Kellum) writes:
>  I'm an amature experimentor (or I was), and would like to know
> if there is house-hold scale biomass conversion hardware available.
> I would also like to know what common household wastes mixtures would
> produce the most methane, perhaps including other readily available
> biomass such as horse manure or sawdust.

Thank you for your question, Woody! I'm sorry but I imagine that the only
bioconversion systems  ready for household use are composting devices
(composters, composting privies etc.) that don't produce methane enough
for use. Horse manure or sawdust are excellent composting media, especially
together with enough water, and they could be used for producing energy
e.g. in greenhouses.

- Juhani Tenhunen  <bioconversion moderator>