[bionet.technology.conversion] Composting - how many does compost in Guelph? <CoSy>

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (03/09/89)

bioconversion/composting #4, from ejtenhu, 747 chars,
Wed Mar  1 05:52:11 1989
**COPIED FROM: ==========================
ocf/recycling #39, from robwith, 567 chars, Tue Feb  7 08:34:12 1989
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TITLE: composting
I was somewhat horrified when I was read in an article in the Globe Report
on Business section (they are doing a series on the business of recycling)
that 25% of the solid waste stream is made up of lawn and garden refuse.
I find this shocking as 100% of this material can be recycled on-site
without costly handling and large scale composting.  Even the smallest
city yard can accommodate a composting bin that won't be an eyesore or
"stink up" the whole neighbourhood.  How many participants in this
conference are composters?  If not,  why not?
bioconversion/composting #6, from ejtenhu, 782 chars,
Wed Mar  1 05:53:26 1989
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ocf/recycling #41, from pjf, 528 chars, Tue Feb  7 15:05:52 1989
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If one does not have a garden...
No seriously, I can see some reasons for central composting.  Some materials
are hard to compost by yourself (Oak leaves, twigs, conifer branches etc)
that compost quite well when mixed with large quantities of other stuff and
are composted in a proper container, with the proper humidity, and so on.

I've often thought that my own compost heap would work better if I could
grind up and mix things better.  I think I've seen adds for compost
'chewers', but I recall they were pretty expensive.
bioconversion/composting #8, from ejtenhu, 544 chars,
Wed Mar  1 06:00:17 1989
**COPIED FROM: ==========================
ocf/recycling #43, from scadding, 371 chars, Tue Feb  7 16:48:54 1989
This is a comment to message 41.
As one who suffers from terminal laziness, we don't "compost" our
plant wastes in any way that anyone who called themselves a
"gardener" would ever approve of.  We just dump the stuff in whatever
bare patch of garden seems to need a bit of mulch.  It all disappears,
so I assume it rots eventually.  I offer this as a lazy persons way
of dealing with organic wastes.
bioconversion/composting #7, from ejtenhu, 699 chars,
Wed Mar  1 05:54:18 1989
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ocf/recycling #42, from awatson, 441 chars, Tue Feb  7 15:42:29 1989
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Do you really want feedck?  Anyway, we compost all of our kitchen
"scraps" and all our leaves.  Here at The Arboretum Nature Centre
we used to have composting toilets, but people's inability to
follow simple instructions compounded with over 10,000 visitors
per year made the composting toilets a problem.
So back to your original question, here's one conference member who
composts. (well I don't compost, yet anyway, but my veggies do!)
bioconversion/composting #21, from ejtenhu, 573 chars,
Wed Mar  1 06:18:02 1989
**COPIED FROM: ==========================
ocf/recycling #90, from ejtenhu, 401 chars, Wed Mar  1 05:59:47 1989
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My friend has developed a composting toilet type that could be suitable
for your users. The only problem is MONEY: we need funding for mounds
production and the finishing work. My friend is engineer and designer,
and the toilet is really beautiful, it needs no electricity, and it can
used as a bidette.

 Regards, Juhani Tenhunen (University of Joensuu, FINLAND)
bioconversion/composting #9, from ejtenhu, 728 chars,
Wed Mar  1 06:00:51 1989
**COPIED FROM: ==========================
ocf/recycling #44, from crosby, 512 chars, Tue Feb  7 21:55:01 1989
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Previously I lived in an apartment, so composting wouldn't have been easy,
that is for sure.  Now that I am living with my parents again, we are
working on getting the fine art of sorting for the blue box down pat
(I am proud to say I have gotten these people who aren't inclined to
recycle to think twice before they throw jars and cans away!)...composting
is another story.  However, it is a priority once I have my own place.
(And I will continue influencing the people around me to try the same).

bioconversion/composting #20, from ejtenhu, 535 chars,
Wed Mar  1 06:17:39 1989
**COPIED FROM: ==========================
ocf/recycling #89, from ejtenhu, 363 chars, Wed Mar  1 05:47:22 1989
This is a comment to message 39.
Nice to see that you are interested in composting. Because I am working
with composting research here in Finland (University of Joensuu), I'd
like to know if the people working in Guelph/CoSy make research on
composting. I have already the conference "bioconversion" here in CoSy for
e.g. composting research discussion and questions.

 Regards, Juhani Tenhunen