[bionet.technology.conversion] macro-effects on agric products/environmental decline

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (03/16/89)

From: Eng-leong Foo (p2269@qzcom) Sweden

Between Aug 1987 to Aug 88, a closed conference was operated
on 3 conferencing system (COSY,EIES, QZCOM) on the "Impacts of
Biotechnogy" conference (IBC). This was organized by WAAS (World
Academy of Arts and Science) and MIRCEN (UNEP/UNESCO/ICRO Micro-
biological Resources Center). The discussions have led to the
establishment of BDRF and BDRC (Biological Development Research
- Fouindation/Corporation). BDRF will handle project implementation
in developing countries (non-profit) while BDRC will help commercial
enterprises to identify local expertise. The questions of macro-effects
e.g. centralization/decentralization; social-economy, etc were
to some extent discussed.

I am glad to Onno M. Knol is a member of BIOCONVERSION as it
would give it a more multidisciplinary approach. My personal
interests in the application of microbial bioconversion processes
for e.g. food production (e.g. mushroom) has been mainly with
reference of the employment and rural ecomonies in developing
countries. In this particular example and within a certain scale
level, the effects have been very good in the Philippines and
Thailand (and I believe also in other Asian countries). About
2 weeks ago, I visited one such farm in the Philippines.

Yes, Onno, we certainly welcome discussions on the "macro-effects
of applied bioconversion techniques on agricultural and environmental
decline". It might be useful for you to provide a short list
(say 3) of topics to start with on areas you might think would
also interest BIOCONVERSION members. Then handle them one at
a time with an assigned time for discussions ( generally a month
would be sufficient). This would certainly help BIOCONVERSION
to start-up with  forum as well as it would indirectly help to
identify people into the various interest groups.

ENg-leong Foo
Director-MIRCEN STockholm
Member of Moderator Team - BIOCONVERSION