[bionet.technology.conversion] Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst / IAWPRC

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (03/21/89)

Hi Jon Iza,
Thank you, Jon, for identifying yourself and for your initiation
to get the identification routine for the AD interest group rolling.
At BIOCONVERSION STOCKHOLM (created @COM.QZ.SE) conference (bboard)
we have 5 members, including Frank Viktor Nekrep (Yugoslavia)
and Gillis Een (Sweden).

Yes, I am fairly familiar with the work done at Prof. Micheal
Switzenbaum's dept. and happy to know that you are with him,
he is a good man.

Jon, tell us more about what you have been doing in Spain and
your work in Amherst now. Regards, Foo

(P.S. pls send your messages (only one copy) to BIO-CONV@IRLEARN
only; they will automatically then be distributed to all its
subscribers - including C1222@COM.QZ.SE).