P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (03/17/89)
From: Eng-leong Foo, Sweden "Microbiological Aspects of Anaerobic Digestion - Laboratory Manual" D.R.Ranade and R.V.Gadre, 1988. Price Indian RS 100 or USD 15.00. Available from: The Director, Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Research Institute, Pune 411004, India. The 112 page manual covers topics in - Microbiology of anaerobic digestion principles of anaerobic techniques Culture methods Methanogens Anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria Dissimilatory sulphate reducing bacteria Most probable number of anaerobic bacteria Media Chemical analysis Gas chromatography Reagents for chemical analysis and Bibliography. If you conduct laboratory classes or work in the lab with methanogens, this Manual could be useful to you and definitely a good reference manual. Request: I know there are very few manuals for handling methanogens specifically. If you know of any others, please inform us electronically or send me a complimentary copy for a review to : MIRCEN-Stockholm, Karolinska Inst, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden.
P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (04/05/89)
Thank you Siggi for the 3 references for laboratory methods for handling methanogens. It is good to have you back again. As you might have read in the earlier messages in this electronic conference, ADM has established an exchange of messages with BIOCONVERSION - an international bulletin board in the BIOSCI bulletin board network. This would mean that individuals can now participate in ADM from any computer network (without the need to access QZCOM directly). This can be a much cheaper access route if you have a local host with computer network (e.g. EARN) connection. I dont have the price for CEC's movie film but will ask them and keep you informed. For the benefit of BIOCONVERSION subscribers, I would like to request that ADM members please provide a new self-introductory message with e.g. your name and address, and a short description of what you do in the area of AD and Bioconversion. Your self-intros will also be posted in Bioconversion. Regards, Foo