[bionet.technology.conversion] VJ Composting System

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (04/18/89)

         *CULTURES: a demonstration project of VJ-Komposteringssystem*
         *AJ, sponsored by EC.  Part III:  Eel production - Anaerobic*
         *filter - Water hyacinth greenhouse                         *

         Eel production

         A recirculated modular fish production plant for the farming
         of  eel  at 25 degrees Centigrade will be delivered by Skive
         Aal A/S.  The fish basins are insulated units with automatic
         oxygen  and  temperature  control.   The heat energy needed,
         calculated as ca.  3.8 tons of oil equivalent per year, will
         be supplied by the CH plant.  Annual eel production has been
         calculated as 50 - 100 tons.

         The water from the eel production will be aerated and recir-
         culated  after purification.  Part of the water will be cle-
         aned in a water  hyacinth  greenhouse  for  reuse,  and  the
         latter  part  will  be  used for irrigation of the area with
         outdoor production of vegetables.

         Influence of the feedstuff composition on the growth rate of
         eel  will  be tested.  Feeding trials will be carried out by
         the use of living earthworms alone, by dry fodder alone, and
         the  mixed feeding of living earthworms and dry fodder.  Dry
         fodder consumption will be about 1,5 kilograms per  kilogram
         of  eel  growth.   Due  to the lower dry matter content, the
         earthworm biomass consumption will be  about  4,5  kilograms
         per  kilogram  of  eel  growth.   The  sludge, about 5 cubic
         metres per day, will be sedimented in a separate  sedimenta-
         tion  unit  and  used  for biogas production in an anaerobic

         The anaerobic filter

         Anaerobic filter will be suited very well for the  treatment
         of  the  liquid fraction of the slurry and the sludge formed
         in eel production, due to their high content of easily  bio-
         degradable  organics.  The efficiency of an anaerobic filter
         in the BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days) removal --
         60  -  70  percent  --  is  good.  The size of the anaerobic
         filter will be about 5 cubic metres, and it will be  capable
         to  produce biogas with an annual energy content of approxi-
         mately 15 tons of oil equivalent per year.

         The water hyacinth greenhouse

         Water hyacinths must be kept in  greenhouses  due  to  their
         temperature  needs  of 25 degrees Centigrade.  The main fea-
         tures of the water hyacinth greenhouse are:

         1) Water hyacinths can take up nutrients directly  from  the

         2) Water hyacinths will evaporate lots of water.

         The productivity of water hyacinth is extremely high -  some
         20 times more efficient than with normal agricultural plants
         - and due to this, the features mentioned above  are  highly

         The water hyacinth  greenhouse  will  be  divided  into  two

         1) A part where the wastewater from eel production  will  be
         cleaned, mainly for ammonia.  The treated water can later be
         recycled to the eel basins.

         2) A part where the water in the slurry treated in the anae-
         robic filter will be let to evaporate.

         The exhaust air from the CH plant -  with  excess  heat  and
         carbon  dioxide  - will be used for the heating and stimula-
         tion of the greenhouse.

         Harvested water hyacinths will be tested as a feedstuff  for
         different  animals,  and they wil also be used for anaerobic

         The biogasified slurry

         The slurry treated in the anaerobic filter will be  returned
         back  to  the  farmer who will use it as a fertiliser during
         the growth season.


            Agr. Eng. Per Thostrup
            BioPlan environmental consultants
            Fanoevej 5 B
         DK-8800 Viborg
            Tel. (Int.) + 45-86-613833
            Fax  (Int.) + 45-86-626836