[bionet.technology.conversion] Inst of Biotechnology

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (04/19/89)

From: Eng-leong Foo, MIRCEN-Stockholm

Q: Are the three IBTs all located in Julich ?
Q: Why are they called IBT-1, IBT-2 or IBT-3; do they have different
   depts ?

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (04/21/89)

Q: Are the three IBTs all located in Julich ?
A: Yes, indeed in the very same place, the Nuclear Research
Center (KFA). The KFA houses about 4500 employees and lots of
institutes, program groups, etc. You can do your Master's or Ph.D.
work here. Most of the heads of the institutes have a teaching
chair at universities nearby (e.g. Duesseldorf, Aachen, Cologne, Bonn).

Q: Why are they called IBT-1, IBT-2 or IBT-3; do they have
different depts ?
A: The Institute of Biotechnology is divided into 3 institutes.
The common research of all 3 institutes is aimed at:
* Bioconversion
* Biological wastewater treatment and biological water treatment
  (for use as drinking water. What is "Trinkwasseraufbereitung" in
A rough and very crude characterization would be
- IBT-1: microbiology
- IBT-2: process engineering
- IBT-3: drinking water preparation ("Trinkwasseraufbereitung")
About 120 people are working at our IBTs.
However the research topics of the IBTs are different, they
encourage cooperation.