[bionet.technology.conversion] AD Workshop. Spain 1990.

IZA@ecs.umass.edu ("Jon Iza, Envir.Eng.Program UMASS") (05/01/89)


Proposal: Anaerobic Treatment Technology for Municipal and
          Industrial Wastewaters
          (A Workshop and Consensus Paper Development)

Organizers/Editors: Michael S. Switzenbaum
                    Department of Civil Engineering
                    University of Massachusetts
                    Amherst, MA  01003  USA

                    Fernando Fdz-Polanco
                    Department of Chemical Engineering
                    Facultad de Ciencias
                    Universidad de Valladolid
                    E-47005 Valladolid  Spain

                    Gatze Lettinga
                    Department of Water Pollution Control
                    Agricultural University Wageningen
                    NL-6703-HD Wageningen  The Netherlands

Purpose:  Over the last 20 years much progress has been made in
the development of high rate anaerobic processes. At the present
time far more than 100 full scale facilities exist. We propose
the development of a consensus paper on the present state-of-the-
art of anaerobic treatment technology. This paper would focus
on the technology of the various anaerobic treatment reactor
systems. In particular, it will examine the similarities,
differences, and appropriate applications of the various systems.
These systems will be evaluated for the treatment of soluble and
partially particulate wastes in terms of costs, efficiencies,
stability, immobilization principles, and operation and control.
The consensus paper will also highlight the factors which govern
the success or failure of any of these systems and point out
areas which are well or poorly understood, and well or poorly
quantified (perhaps in the form of a simple model). The paper
will be developed during and after a small (50 to 60 people)

Committee:   The workshop will be planned by the organizers in
conjunction with the IAWPRC Specialist Group on Anaerobic
Digestion and run the organizers and a special committee. The
committee will consist of experts each assigned a specific task
in one of 4 areas identified below. More than one individual may
be assigned to a topic. Each person (or persons) will be asked to
prepare and present a paper on their specific topic for the
meeting. In addition, each of the topics will be assigned a
referee to critically evaluate and discuss the prepared and
presented paper. The committee will also consist of several
members without specific topics to participate in the consensus
paper formulation along with the members who have specific
topics. A call for committee members (presenters, referees, and
other participants) focussed on the 4 specific topics will be
made in Water Quality International and other appropriate places.
Participants will be picked by the organizers based on their
demonstrated expertise in a given topic area. Since this will be
a consensus paper, the organizers will strive to include a broad
range of opinions on the committee.

    1. Kinetics...a critical evaluation of the existing concepts
relating to the intrinsic rates of hydrolysis, liquefaction,
acidification, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis, along with mass
transfer applications.
    2. Reactor Systems and Start-up...similarities, differences,
appropriate applications; applied aspects of start-up, retention
of biomass and stability including the ecological aspects of
biofilm and granule formation.
    3. System operation and Design Fundamentals...important
factors in the design and operation of any system; need for
phase, two stage, modules (plug flow).
    4. Modelling...approaches, assumptions, solution techniques,
utility of models.

1)    Call for members of the special committee (Spring 1989)
2)    Assignment of topics by the organizing committee (Summer
3)    Preparation of topic papers (Summer 1989-Spring 1990)
4)    A copy of each topic paper will be sent to referees (at least
    3 months before the meeting)
5)    The workshop (October 1990)
6)    Synthesis of the consensus paper (Fall 1990-Winter 1991)
7)    Submission of the consensus paper and topic papers for
    publication (Summer 1991).

The Workshop:
The meeting will take place in Spain in October of 1990 and last
for 3 days. It is anticipated that either one entire morning or
afternoon will be devoted to each of the 4 topics consisting of
the presentation, referee's report, and then general discussion.
The last day will be devoted to general discussion of the
consensus paper.
The proceedings, which will be published by IAWPRC, will consist
of the 4 topic papers, referee's reports, and the consensus

    Internet:  Boomer@ecs.umass.edu
    Bitnet  :  Boomer@umaecs